Chapter 72

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Wazzup everyone! Hope you enjoy new chapter.

***3 Days Later***

"Class dismissed!" Allmight yelled out heroicly, part of the class cheering and getting their costumes while rushing out the door, while the rest just slowly grumbled and got up.

"Oh man! Im so excited to head over to gang orca's agency! " Jiro exclaimed to Iida, strapped his backpack off and slowly placed his costume inside of it. "Ofcourse, but we must contain a respectful and peaceful attitude while interning with him. We wouldn't not want to create a bad reputation for ourselves, as that would effect us when we get older and are ready to head into agencies as a full time job. " Iida explained ,making jiro sweatdrop. " Y-yeah. I'll make sure to." The conversation came to a close as a new one started up.

"Anyway, I managed to check the local map and it shows that the train will take around 2 hours to reach his agency if we arrive at the train station in less than 15 minutes. So, did you say your goodbyes and all to the class?" Jiro asked, swaying to the side a bit while iida cleaned the lens of his glass.

"Hm. Good work with thinking ahead jiro, and yes I've said my goodbyes. Are you ready?" He asked back, and she nodded, almost tripping on her own shoes.

"Oh, hey, midoriya and uraraka!" Jiro noticed the duo walking infront, talking.

"Oh! Jiro and Iida! You guys are heading to the same way as us?" The two stopped walking as midoriya greeted them, both of them eri in his arms.

" Mhm." Jiro hummed, closing in on eri, "hey there eri." She held out a palm for a high-five, which she got a smaller, chubbier hand back with an extra giggle. "Hello Aunty jiro!" She happily greeted.

"Indeed, midoriya. Hello there, little eri. Now, let's get moving, we have to hurry in order to arrive at our agencies quickly!" Iida exclaimed, making the group flinch a little from the voice.

" Yeah!" Midoriya and uraraka shouted, already used to this, with eri adding in a silent fist in the air.

Man, those three must hang out a lot. Jiro worried as she felt a stick in the mud, considering how much Iida seemed to startle her.

"How about we start walking now, shall we?"Ochaco giggled from the look on jiro's face, and locked her arms on izuku's right arm, and leaned on his shoulder as they walked ahead.

"Man, their quick! Cmon Iida, your supposed to be sonic!" Jiro joked, making Iida scoff a little. " As if." He laughed a little.


" Aw, man! We're heading different ways!" Uraraka whined, looking closer at the poster that included all train departures and destinations. Turned out they were going on different trains.

"Aw man, I wanted to play with aunty jiro and uncle Iida!" Eri whined, getting a head pat from izuku. " Its ok snowball, we can't do anything about it." He comforted the girl with a kiss on the horn.

"Its alright. Atleast you three have each other. " Jiro pointed to the obvious love hearts between the three, with uraraka still cling to her boyfriend's arm and izuku tightly holding onto eri.

"Yeah, that's true." The boy pulled closer to the brunette, who just clung to him more.

"Well, we should hurry now. We don't wanna miss the train," uraraka chuckled nervously when she saw jiro's weirded out expression.
Iida turned his head to the side, and looked at his train, before gasping, "she's right! We have to hurry!" Quickly pulling on kyoka's sleeve, they rushed to their train which was departuring in 1 minute.

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