🔷 17 - Second Chance 🔷

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The water elemental was in his room, his back lying down on his bed as he stared lazily on the ceiling above. He was bored, and he got nothing else to do. He sighed deeply, sitting up straightly afterwards.

"I'm craving for some milk..." Air mumbled, as he got up from his bed and went downstairs going to the kitchen.

His mother was in the kitchen as well, chopping some vegetables to prepare the food for their dinner later on. When Air passsd by her and walked towards the fridge to get some milk, his mother unexpectedly called him. "Air,"

The light blue capped boy frowned, turning to look at his mother afterwards. "What is it, Mom?" He asked, his voice was rather, in an annoyed tone.

"I'd noticed you've been hanging out with your friends lately instead with your... little brother." His mother stated, making Air's face frowned more.


"What do you mean, 'so'?" His mother scowled. "I haven't seen the both of you, spending some quality time together these days. Also, he's been kind of... feeling a bit down lately. Did you two got into a fight or something?" She asked, as she turned to face her water elemental son in concern.

Air only shook his head. "No. We haven't."

"Then, why is he acting like that?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?"

"Air, he's your little brother. Why don't you two go and have a little 'brother-to-brother' talk?"

"Why me? Why can't you just do it?"

"Since when do you think was the last time you two hang out with one another?" His mother asked, sternly.

"I think... uhh..." Air thought for a moment, then hesitated when realization hit him. "... a couple of months...?" He answered, his head lowering down a bit as he looked away.

"Couple of what!?" His mother exclaimed, her eyes widened in surprise. "Air! Find time to bond with your young brother! You know he needs it." She stated, staring at her oldest son worriedly.

Air sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright." He replied. "I'll go and talk to him now, so we could start planning a hangout together."

<> <=> <>

"Oh. She noticed that?" Angin asked, as he smiled sheepishly afterwards. "It's honestly fine if you don't want to—"

"So, what do you want to do?" Air interrupted him, folding his arms on his chest.

"Wait, really?" His little brother stared at him in disbelief, his head tilted slightly.

"Yeah. What do you wanna do, just the two of us?" The light blue capped boy asked, as he gazed at his little brother.

The wind elemental smiled widely. 'I can't believe he's asking me to hang out with him!' He thought, then an idea appeared in his mind.

"Let's hang out outside tomorrow! Can we? Can we?!" Angin cheerfully asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Air was a bit hesitant with his young brother's idea because, he was too lazy to even go outside of the house (even though he'd been doing that only when he's with his friends). He honestly preferred doing some activities with him indoors instead. But since he didn't had any choice for his mother told him to spend some time with his little brother, he just simply agreed with Angin's reply.

"Yay! I'm so excited!" Angin bubbly exclaimed, his smile widened more. "Don't forget, okay big brother?"

Air only heaved a long sigh, curving a small smile on his lips afterwards. "Yeah, yeah." He responded, as he got up from the floor and walked towards the exit of his little brother's room.

Angin on the other hand, was jumping joyfully around his room, seemed to be so enthusiastic about finally getting to bond with his older brother. He just couldn't wait for tomorrow and probably, couldn't sleep at night since he'll might be thinking about it too much. But on the bright side, his gloomy expression turned into again, a cheerful, happy one.

He thought that maybe, life wasn't so bad after all. He thought that everything would indeed, be better. He thought that his big brother had finally changed to the big brother he once knew.

'Heh, maybe, life does gives us second chances...'

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