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***picture of Joe*** :)

Thank you all for the support and love, and as always ENJOY <3!!!


Is that Alexia and Joe? 

But how did she even know him? actually how did Zac even know who Joe was? 

Why didn't I ask this question before?

My feelings were mixed with confusion and excitement.
Confused by what's happening, how they know each other, and who is actually Joe? But also excited to expose Alexia no matter what the consequences are, because at that moment, it just felt right to do so.
Whatever the case is, I can use this situation for my own good and expose her in front of the whole school.

I took out my phone from the purse and turned on the video to record everything.

"Alexia, I do care about you of course, " said Joe as he stepped closer and patted her on the shoulder. "but not more than just a friend, I am sorry."

Ouch! That must hurt, loving someone and not being loved back, and when you try everything to get their attention, but they ignore you, it definitely disappoints.

"B-But, why? I don't understand? " Alexia said. She stepped away from Joe and suddenly stumbled on the bed. She started sobbing and Tears spilt over and flowed down her face like a river escaping a dam "I am ready to give you everything... I just don't get it?"

Joe approached her and sat on the bed beside her "I know you would, and I adore that. I would do the same thing for you because you're a woman of great merit, " he muttered, "but you deserve someone better than me, someone who truly loves you."

I've always found 'you deserve someone better than me' phrase kind of funny. It was the best way to tell someone I don't want you, without hurting their feelings. It was subtle yet fake, isn't?

I don't know who is Joe, but this boy is definitely intriguing in all measures and scales, his mind was still a surging perplexity. He's gorgeous.

As I was busy interpreting the situation, unexpectedly the door quickly opened, and I was caught off guard.

Alexia standing in front of me, shocked but you can still see her bloodshot eyes from all that tears. She wore a puzzled expression.

We both stood starring at each other without saying a word. I was mortified, frozen to the spot. I felt traumatized.

"V-Vivian?" Joe broke the silence.

I stood there frozen as I watched in awe at his expression. I saw nothing short of disgust on his face, almost hatred, as his face reddened with anger. 

I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was caught at the moment while holding my freaking phone.

"Are you snooping on us?" Alexia asked.

"Me? Of course no! " I didn't know how to decipher the phone situation. "I just, I was supposed to... " I stammered not knowing what to say.

"Vivian I knew you would get lost, the bathroom is next door." A sudden voice from behind  stepped in and saved the embarrassment that I was about to declare.

I turned around to see who was it, and to my surprise it was Rosie.
Rosie saved the day.

"Y-yeah, I thought this was the bathroom, my bad!" I explained as I breathe a sigh of relief when Rosie showed up.

Alexia looked in disbelief and utter rage, she stepped closer to me and whispered: "I know you better than this."

I don't know what she meant exactly, but something in that tone tells me she knew exactly what I was doing there.

"Bye Joe," Alexia said. She stepped out of the room and faded into the crowd.

"Vivian, I'll talk to you later, okay?" Rosie said while heading downstairs with some tall guy that I've never seen before.

The tall guy looked scary, but the way he grasped Rosie's arm was alarming. It looked like she was forced into something against her will.

Something was fishy about that dude.

Nevertheless, I turned around only to find Joe standing right behind me.

He was so tall and hardly not to be noticed by anyone in the crowd. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression.

"Smooth lier," Joe said. He grimaced while walking beside me  and heading downstairs.

"W-what? I wasn't lying !" I turned to him and protested.

"Really? Then how come you're still standing here instead of heading to the bathroom?" Joe turned around and stepped closer to me. ''and to add on that, why is your camera turned on if you're heading to the bathroom?''. He stepped closer with each word he spoke.

And out of the blue, with a sudden movement, he managed to snatch the phone out of my hand.

End of chapter 6...

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