Chapter 21

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Almost three months had passed, and they heard nothing from Gavin, only that the borderlands resistance was finally breaking. Haroun prayed that his friend would come home soon. He was running out of excuses to tell Brienna.

Haroun stood by on a lower side wall and looked up at the top. She stood on the walls edges looking out over the vast expance of the woods ahead as if looking for him, waiting for his return.

As the days passed, she suddenly grew quieter and more reserved.

She practiced daily, ate with everyone and retired early locking herself in Gavin's chamber every night. Although she stopped asking about him, he knew deep down that she missed him.


She sat on the floor before the large hearth in the dinning hall. She listened to the guards as they spoke in a circle not too far away from her. Ever so often her thoughts would drift off into a far away place as she would watch the flames dance before her.

One or the two of them would offer her wine or something as if to cheer up her spirits.

She watched as another guard neared the circle and they all continued to whisper. Their conversation interested her more when the mention of a familiar name came to her ear.

Her heart thumped in her chest at the name and all of the memories that day and anger of what he did barreled down on her. She continued staring at the fire and listening to the men.

Although there was no mention of Defoe actually being near, the mention of his men hanging around a nearby tavern had her thoughts in overdrive. She had an anxious urge to seek him out and face him. Her heart lunged at the idea.

Could she do it?

Was she ready?

With that thought lodged in her head she slowly stood and made her exit.


He was anxious to return home. The long ride wasn't helping the newfound feeling coursing through his veins. In the past, it never bothered him when he would return, because he had nothing or no one waiting for him.

He did now.

The thought of riding in through the gates to see her just set his heart racing.

Sitting above his black charger, he pulled on the reigns to keep him still and watched his men slowly walk past him. The nights sky was riddled with stars and a half moon giving them very little light. Torches were lit so they could continue their travel through the night. He wanted to get home fast.


She felt triumphant galloping on her horse through the night with her escape. Her heart raced fast in her chest with the unknown. Nothing or no one was going to stop her. She needed to find DeFoe and make him pay.


Furious eyes met Harouns as they crossed paths. Haroun going in search of Brienna and Gavin entering the courtyard.

"What do you mean she is gone?" Gavin spoke as calm as he could.

"She left. I have no clue when or how," Haroun sought for an explanation himself.

Breathing heavy in agitation Haroun turned his steed to look at the men following him.

"Are any of you sure you have not seen her?" he asked.

Kevin, a large guard came forward and retold what he remembered.

"As soon as Shawn came near and told us of Defoes men at the tavern..." he stopped when he heard Gavin curse.

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