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The silence in Calum's car was growing uncomfortable. I shifted in my spot in the backseat beside Luke once again.

"So Calum, are you staying over tonight too?" I questioned finally getting tired of the erking stillness.

"Yeah, I usally do it's just lately I've had to study a shit load to bring my biology grade up to stay on the football team".

"Oh thats cool that youre on the team. What position do you play?" I ask making small talk.

"I'm the striker" he said pride evident in his voice.

"h that's awesome I love soccer my big sister and I always used to play but when she moved I just kinda stopped" I trailed on.

"If you ever want to play I could always need the practice" Calum offered.

I smiled brightly.

"That sounds like a lot of fun! I'll have to take you up on that offer soon".

As I spoke Luke's hand moved to my thigh and gripped it. I raised my eyebrow and looked over at the blond haired boy in confusion. He looked at me with jealous eyes but smiled none the less.

"Looks like were here" Cal announced from the front seat.

I sighed in relief and climbed out of the car and bolting into the house to avoid anymore weird encounters.

As soon as I stepped threw the thresh hold I could here the shouts and giggles of the two teens left at the house.

"I swear if you two are having sex in the living room I will up chuck" I grimaced. 

"No you perv we're taking selfies, jeez" Luna laughed.

"Thank the gods" I joked walking in to see the couple snuggled up on the couch.

Ashton averted his eyes from me and back to his iphone. I rolled my eyes pissed at how he's taking the news I gave him earlier.

I looked around the room noticing that Calum and Luke had left to the kitchen then spoke up to Ash. 

"So is this how its going to be now Ashton" I practically spat.

"Whats going on?" Luna questioned her eyes getting big.

"Your boyfriend got jealous at school after you came into the bathroom with me and was ready to beat the shit out of me until i told him the truth and that I have a vag and now he wont even look at me" I say feeling tears come to my emerald eyes.

"Ashton is that true? Did you really try to beat up my friend?" she asked her eyes pleading.

"I wasn't going to beat her- I mean him up I was just gonna scare him" he almost whispered.

"Guys why is everyone acting so weird?" Calum asked as him and Luke strolled in.

"Oh nothing Ash thought there was something going on between me and L but what he didn't know is that I'm a flaming homosexual who likes dick and not minge, so I was just clearing everything up for him" I grinned as everyone's jaw dropped and my blunt words.

"Well now that is out of the way lets go out back and get plastered" Luna grinned getting up and grabbing a box of beer and a bottle of vodka.

"Sounds like a damn good plan to me" I smiled in agreement following her out to the backyard.

"Well might as well" Luke chuckled walking out with the other two trailing out behind them.

I yanked the clear bottle from my best friend and took a hard swig grimacing at the bitter and burning taste.

"Cheers to a good night, oh and penis!" I grinned holding the bottle up.


hi hi hiiiiiii

so merry christmas my friends !!!!!!!!

i finally updated (bless america and all that is wonderful) im sorry it took me so long its just a lot of personal shit has been going on and its hard to keep up this and deal with my shit mess of a dumb life !!!! but i promise ill try to update more freqently and be all swaggy and all that

thank you for the endless support and love of the story, you are what keeps it going !!!

love you all tons and tons and toooonnnnnsssssss

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