9- Hang Out pt.1

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A/N: Comment your answer

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: Any shade of blue, purple and pink

A: Any shade of blue, purple and pink

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Ted's POV

I walk out of my AP World History class, trying to process everything that has happened. Let's have a recap of what happened inside that one hour time period

First, I didn't have to make our project which is the least of my problems. Second, out of all the people, Zach was who I am going to tutor for a month. And last but definitely not the least, Zach asked me out to hang out tomorrow.

I know I shouldn't be freaking out about this... actually I should. The one person who has been picking and tormenting me for the past three years of high school suddenly became so nice to me. Tell me I shouldn't be freaking out and I'll punch you in the face.

I sat down in my third period which I knew no one. It's actually a good thing so that I could relax and think about stuff without being distracted. As soon as the teacher started teaching, I pushed out all my thoughts and paid attention.

I know my mind was filled with thoughts but I have limitations. If it will affect my studies, then it's a no. I admit that it sounds and it is lame but it will help me in the long run.

After this class, I went to my class before lunch which was language. I took German cause I am one-fourth German which explains my surname, Schneider.

I am almost fluent in German so I excel in this class. Our teacher here is also my favorite teacher. He's just so kind and understanding. If teachers were like that, other students might actually reconsider hating school.

"Today, we will have an activity. Face your seatmates and try to converse and compliment them. You have 20 minutes. You may now start," Mr. Becker said.

Ugh, I'm gonna be talking again?

I look at my side to see my seatmate that was oh, so handsome. I take back what I said earlier. Why didn't I see him earlier?

"H-Hallo," I started

"Hallo, wie heißt du?(Hello, what's your name?)" He asked, almost fluent in speaking

"Ted, wie wäre es mit dir?(Ted, how about you?)"

"Ich heiße Kaden(My name is Kaden)" What?!

Is that Kai? I know, I know, there are a lot of Kaidens in this school but I would be fine if he was Kai. Just kidding, I don't really care what he looks like... but I suggest him.

"Excuse me, I know this might sound weird but may I know how you spell your name?" I asked which was so out of the blue.

"Oh, okay," he chuckled

"K-A-D-E-N" Oh, it's not him.

How disappointing.

Just kidding! I sighed and apologized for the weird question. In German, obviously.

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