Chapter 7

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Thanks so much for all your comments on the last chapter - they are amazing!! Also, I'm in the top 100 of What's Hot!! I can't thank you guys enough! When I saw it this morning, I literally started jumping up and down!

Also, thanks for all the reads - almost 3,000 now :D

Merci <3 and enjoy!


Liza P.O.V.

Leaving the door to swing shut behind me, I walked into the empty school, a smile on my lips. I had done it. I couldn't believe it! I had showed all of them - especially the boy with black eyes, I still didn't know his name, not that I particularly wanted to know. But, I had still enjoyed watching the shock in his face.

That would show him.

I walked towards my new locker, and suddenly frowned slightly, remembering that I would have to keep up the act for the rest of the day. And the day after that. And the day after that. Otherwise it would have no effect, and I wasn't going to let those jerks get away with what they did to Marie so easily.

I only had to find out who they were.

I opened my locker, and fitted my new lock on it, carefully putting in the code. Then I dumped all the books I didn't need in it, making them crash against the sides. Tapeing up my schedule on the inside of the door, I looked for what I had next. English. That wasn't so bad, though I hadn't had it yet, so I wondered how the teacher would be.

I took a deep breath, remembering that I was 'brave' now. If I could handle all the students, I could surely handle some teachers.

Slamming my locker shut, I walked to the stairs, heading towards my class as the first bell rang. I passed a couple of students in the hallway, and I forced myself to smile at them, and that sent them scattering.

I guess I still had it.

Rolling my eyes, I walked through the almost deserted corridors. Were of most of the students still outside? Or were they just all avoiding me?

My class was empty as I walked inside, except for a young woman who sat at the head desk, reading a book. The teacher, probably. I passed by her desk, and was surprised when the title of the book caught my eye.

"Twilight?" I asked, before I could stop myself.

The woman looked up, and her hazel eyes met mine. They scanned my face, and I saw something click in her mind. Great, another enemy.

"Nevermind." I muttered, and headed towards my desk at the back before I could be attacked, verbally or otherwise.

"I thought that if all the students read it, I better give it a chance myself." I heard a voice behind me, and I turned around, stunned. What surprised me most, was that the voice was not sarcastic or sly. No, it was perfectly friendly and warm.

I watched as she smiled at me, and I felt like I would faint. Could this be a nice teacher? Someone in the school that didn't hate me? The first person to be nice to me?

She smiled wider at my expression. "I don't think we've met. I'm Ms. Edwards, and you are?"

"Liza Macdonald." I stammered, and she nodded, as if that proved her assumption.

She lifted up the book that was still in her hand. "Have you read it?" she asked.

I nodded, slowly recovering. "The whole series."

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