{3} Meeting the KryozGaming

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I awoke to a text from John.

JOHnnY Boiiiiiiiiiiii: Getting on the plane. Be there at 5 pm! Please pick me up, princess:)

Me: I should be your knight in shining armor. Picking you up in my car I paid with non-youtuber money

JOHnnY Boiiiiiiiiiii: How is youtube money relevance

Me: Well Horses are old fashioned so my Toyota is probably old compared to you and your youtube money gains.

JOHnnY Boiiiiiiiiiiii: Shut it. Phones gotta turn off now. I'll be waiting for my hug bb ;)

Me: Oh of course I will John

I get outta bed and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hop right into the shower. As I get out and let my hair dry, I get a text from an unknown number.

????: HEY (Y/N)

Me: Hello?

????: OH sorry! Its Mini!

I smile, changing his contact name immediately. I'm glad the adrenaline is shielding my shyness away a bit so I can actually feel excited. I also can interact over text a bit. Best place to build up fake social skills. Confidence is not a skill you need when texting. I don't have to worry about stuttering and all that jazz.

Something about being forced to do this is helping me. No one tell Kryoz (I'm begging you)

Me; Hey Craig :)

Mini mini man: You will not believe how excited I am! Packed everything so frikin fast. I can't wait to show you!!

Me: Thank you

Mini mini man: What haha why?

Me: You're giving up your week to spend time with me just because I am illiterate to cute people.

Mini mini man: I want to help you feel comfortable. I know trusting people is hard. XD I can't wait until you talk to him.

Me: Shut up XD I'm glad that you are so caring<3 So excited to meet you!

Mini mini man: SAME! I'll leave you be. Heard Kryoz is coming to you soon!

Me: Thanks for reminding me. Can't leave him alone at the airport

Mini mini man: glad I could help. Talk later!

Me; Cya!

I smiled and checked the time. 3:48 pm. Damb must have slept in a bit too late. I throw on an oversized sweater and throw my hair into a messy bun. Skipping out the door quickly. I've never run to my car so fast. I'm meeting John! Can't believe this is happening.

The drive to the airport was filled with overthinking. What if something looks different off-screen. What if I'm uglier in person? What if I am completely different from him.What if I lost all my funny and he just hates me! What if....WHAT IF?

I shake the thoughts from my head as I arrive at the airport. I Immediately checked the time. 4:48. Exactly an hour from when I left. I look back through John and I's texts.

JOHnnY Boiiiiiiiiiiii: Getting on the plane. Be there at 5 pm! Please pick me up, princess:)

It wasn't until then that the anxiety appeared. It came in bubbles and rumbled throughout my body. I looked side to side, slightly paranoid but found myself sitting on a bench. I take some breaths in and out to calm myself down a bit. I hate anxiety.

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