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(A/N: i might write some things outta order from when they actually happened dont get mad x)

"So," my roomate, Josh, looks over at me. "do you think it's done?"

I stare down at my notebook. Words are scribbled, and I glance through them. I really think this song will be the one. This will get us somewhere, at least.

"Yeah," I nod. "Do you think so?"

"For sure, dude," he smiles. "They're gonna love this."

I smile. That sounds nice. It's a lot of work, this whole band thing, but one day we'll make it. One day.

"Do you think the name is okay? Like, I want this album to be perfect." I stare at the words Fairly Local. Josh smiles.

"Relax, Tyler," he puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's perfect, I promise!"

That's Josh for ya. Always optimistic, cheerful, and overall super caring. That's why I love him so much. We're best friends, and I'm so lucky to have him. I met him a few years ago, and he's just always been there for me. I can go on and on about how much he means to me, to be honest.

My phone buzzes, though, and thoughts of Josh exit my mind. My fiancée, Jenna, is calling. I answer, and her voice comes ringing in.

"Hey, baby!" she says cheerfully. She's currently at her parents house, and is staying for a bit to catch up. Meanwhile, Josh and I take this opportunity to write another album.

"Hey!" I chuckle. I miss her voice, but surprisingly, I haven't been thinking of her lately. It's probably just me, but I feel like somethings off.

"How's the album coming along?" She says in a sing-songy voice. I nod, but forget she can't see me.

"It's going well, babe! How are your parents?"

She goes on to tell me how much fun they've been having, and how she's teaching them new recipes. She absolutely loves baking and all that stuff, so I'm sure her parents are having an amazing time. Josh and I don't know how to cook, so we've been eating cereal for a week straight.

Josh stares at me as Jenna's voice continues through my phone speaker. I catch his stare, and look back at him. His face flushes, and he quickly averts his eyes.

Huh. I think to myself, before turning my attention back to my conversation.

Timeskip : 2 Hours

I yawn, and put my pencil down. I've been trying to come up with more songs, but I'm worn out. Josh is, too, and he throws his arms up to stretch.

"Maybe you could write about Jenna?" Josh suggested. "You guys are getting married in a few months, yeah?"

I consider it. That's not a bad idea, actually. I just... there's something trying to stop me. I don't know what it is, though. So, I simply ignore it.

"Hey, that's actually a really good idea." I agree, and Josh nods, before looking back at the TV. It's been on low volume, since we're trying to work, but I watch as his eyes narrow. I decide to look at the TV for myself, and our governor is on, talking about a quarantine.

We've been in a weird stage this year, and there's currently a virus going around called Covid-19. The governor tells us how we'll have to stay inside until further notice, and to wear masks and such. It all just hits me, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Wait, for real?" I ask. This year has been interesting already, but this... I did not expect this to happen. I just thought Covid was just a type of cold.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, until Josh clears his throat.

"Well..." He says. I just stare, though.

A few more minutes go by, and I analyze the situation.

"It probably won't be that bad! Y'know, we get to stay inside, nothin' to worry about!" Josh says suddenly. There he goes again, finding the positives.

"Yeah, you're right," I genuinely smile. He's most definitely right. Sure, we'll have to find a way to stock up on supplies, and it's kinda apocalyptic in a way, but this gives me a bunch of time at home, which means more songs!

I stare back down at my notebook, and yawn once more. "What time is it?" I ask.

"11:52," Josh says. I rub my eyes, and figure it's time for bed.

"I'm gonna sleep. Night, dude," I grab my notebook, and walk to my bedroom. Josh calls "night" and continues to stare at the TV.

I take my sweatshirt off, leaving me shirtless. I'm too tired to find another shirt, so I go to bed with just sweatpants.

The entire room is silent. There's a slight chatter from the living room, and I assume it's the TV. My eyes grow heavier by the minute, but for some reason, sleep won't come. I just lay there, thinking, my main focus on songs.

A song about Jenna...

Thoughts and potential lyrics fill my mind. Now I definitely won't be able to sleep.

I grab my notebook, and turn on the lamp sitting on my nightstand. Out in the hallway, I hear Josh's footsteps. He's on his way to bed, I suppose.

My pencil meets the paper, and words flow out.

He's the tear in my heart

The page fills with words within a few minutes, and with that, I put the notebook away, and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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