Chapter 8

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"Jake!" Several girls crowded around my brother, all clinging to to his arms and tugging on his shirt. They looked at him with lust in their eyes, they batted their eyelashes and smiled. I looked away, scarred for life.

"Get used to it" Kyle laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He looked at them and rolled his eyes as if it always happens, and i had a wild feeling that it always did. 

"Avery!" I looked behind me to see James jogging over. "Hey, i thought it was you" He smiled. I un hooked myself from Kyle's arm and gave James a quick hug.

"Hey J" I smiled back.

"How do you like this?" He gestured to the road beyond us lit up by lights behind us it was blocked off so other people couldn't pass through the road.

"It's so cool" I nodded my head in approval.

"I know" He chuckled. "So is this Maddy or Sarah?" He asked pointing his gaze to Maddy.

"I'm Maddy" She laughed and nudged her thumb towards Sarah. "That's Sarah" Sarah stood with the rest of the group talking and laughing with Damon.

"Speaking of Sarah" I grabbed James's and Kyle's wrist and dragged them to Sarah while Maddy walked next to us. 

The noise we made from walking caused Sarah to stop talking and turn around. "Hey guys" She smiled.

"Sarah" I smiled. "This is James" I pointed to James. "James, this is Sarah" I pointed to Sarah.

They both smiled to each other and greeted each other with a hey. Immediately they sparked up a conversation. The plan being easier than i thought made me relax a little inside. Sarah being an easy target to fall for guys and is yet completely carefree around them was good for James. James, who i can read like an open book and is the closest friend to me at the new school is good for Sarah. 

By this time Jake joined us, gathered around his car and was cleaning his windows so it was crystal clear. His 2008 Suburu WRX STI was parked, shining in the overhead lights and covered in black it had a unique engine which helped the car speed to its fastest. 

"You pumped?" I asked Jake eagerly, smiling.

"Always am, always will" He smirked to himself, patting the hood of his car lightly. 

"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it, you better never let i go" The sound of Eminems rapping came from the radio of a car.

"You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo" I found myself ending the chorus. I turned around with everyone else and felt my breath, get caught in my throat. I quickly exhaled and admired the car that lay before me. A 1999 Nissan Skyline stopped just before me, it's grey colour shined against the moonlight with two blue strips running down it's hood, and along the sides. 

"Ave close your mouth, he already thinks you're all over him" Maddy's voice cut me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. Him? Huh?

I searched in the car for the owner and saw Austin. My eyes widened and closed my mouth, that's right! he had a Nissan Skyline but he modified since the last time i saw it so it didn't occur to me that it was his. He looked back at me a smirk playing on his lips, he winked and got out of his car, with a cocky attitude.

"Austin!" Girls ran over to him all pushing to get a piece of him. Disgust suddenly crossed on to my face, but no one saw the drop of hurt that i hid.

I turned my head to look at Jake. "Why does Austin use his race car to drive around? like at school, what if he crashes it?" I whispered so Austin couldn't hear.

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