||Anxcietmus|| Hoodie

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Warning - FLUFF and lots of kisses

Virgil loved his hoodies he truly did but his hoodies were as big on him as his boyfriends hoodies. On cold day he loved wearing Remus's green and black fluffy jacket and for comfort he loved wearing Janus's yellow and white non-zipper hoodie.

"Janus..." Virgil whined throwing himself of his lovers bed — on his stomach— and he huffed in slight annoyance. His boyfriends had so many hoodies and he couldn't choose one — he decided not to wear the hoodies he usually borrows from his boyfriends.

"Yes, kitten?" Janus asked walking to his bed and tangled his fingers in the smallest males hair. Virgil turned and slight red flush washed across his face. Janus smiled and moved over patting the space next to him. Virgil groaned and sat up sitting in front of his lover. "Virgil, what's wrong?" Virgil mumbled something under his breath making Janus lift a brow. Janus's gloved hand reaches under scooping Virgils chin to look at him. "What was that?"

"I can't find a hoodie to wear..." Virgil spoke, loud enough for the deceiving side to hear and let out a small chuckle.

"That's what you're little fit is about?" Janus chuckled again walking towards his closet and pulling out a few of his hoodies. He put three hoodies on his bed and Virgil's eyes glistened.

"No! Virgil, wear one of my hoodies!" Remus yelled running in between the anxious side and deceiving side causing Janus to loose his balance slightly and stumbled backwards. He caught himself and huffed in annoyance as Remus threw three more hoodies onto the bed.

"Wow." Virgil giggled.

Virgil knew Remus always got a little jealous when Virgil wore Deceit's hoodies and not his. Anxiety always wore Janus's hoodie one day and then Remus's the next day so it seemed fair but today, today was a bit... different. Virgils eyes looked back and forth between Remus's hoodies and Janus's hoodies. Torn between the two, an idea struck him but, would his boyfriends allow him to do so?

Remus smirked, he being creativity, allowed him to feel when someone else was feeling, well... creative. "What are you thinking about, sweets?" Sweets, Remus's nickname for Virgil and Virgil loved it.

"I- Uh," he stammer, "I had this idea to stitch two of your hoodies together." Virgil blushed looking down.

"Like arts and crafts?" Remus asked making the smaller side giggle slightly. Virgil nodded and Remus looked towards Janus exchanging glances before both of them turned to looking at Virgil and nodding in sync.

Virgil smiled brightly grabbing his favorite sweater from the pair his lovers gave him. Within the choices Remus gave him Virgil chose a hoodie that was green and black, a few rips on the sleeves, and a zipper that ran down the sleeves. From Janus's pile Virgil chose a yellow and black hoodie, a few patterns were scattered around the sweater in a scale pattern, and the hoodie had a small top hat on — due to Remus giving Janus's outfits a 'makeover' and being extra as fuck.

Virgil ran to his room and sat down at his sewing machine. He grabbed a small notebook littered with doodles, that was right next to his sewing machine, and opened it to a blank page. His eyes scanned the two sweater as he drew a certain way to make the two sweaters fit. Virgil smiled at the final drawing he made. The anxious male grabbed a few scissors — from a drawer under his sewing machine — and started cutting. Remus and Janus stood at the door watching the younger male work, Virgils face of determination was adorable and they couldn't help but smile. Deciding it was best to leave, to let Virgil concentrate, Remus took Janus's hand in his and ran down to the living room. He turned on a movie and both snuggled together.

A few hours had passed and Virgil was still in his room. Janus stretches his arms out as he figured he had fallen asleep on the couch — with Remus. The deceiving side slightly shook the intrusive side getting a small groan.

"We should check on Virgil." Janus yawned stretching his arms over his head and a small groan escaped his lips. Remus pounced on Janus like a wild animal and kissed him — not heatedly just a small passionate kiss. "Mmm, what was that for?" Janus chuckled sitting up and holding Remus's face. Remus had a small blush across his face and just smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jan." Remus spoke leaning into Janus's touch. "Should we check on, Vee?"

"That's what I just asked." Janus smiled and Remus chuckled slightly.

Janus and Remus stood up and walk upstairs. They knocked on the door and from getting no respond Janus opened the door. Both sides 'aw'ed at the sight of a sleeping Virgil softly snoring on his sewing machine. Janus walked over to the smaller side, smiling at what looked like the finished product of the hoodie. Janus picked up the sleeping side and carried him to his bed. Virgil stirred slightly in Janus's arms before going still when Janus laid him on his bed. Remus walked over to the two and smiled. He softly threw himself onto the bed, chuckled when Janus scolded him quietly. Janus smiled and climbed onto the bed as well. The deceiving laid behind the anxious side, snaking his arms around the sleeping males waist and holding him there while Remus laid in front of Virgil and ran his fingers through Virgils hair.

This was peaceful.

Virgil woke up to feel warmth from in front and behind him. The anxious male eyes opened, meeting a sleeping Remus in front of him. Virgil turned his head slightly, smiling at the sight of a sleeping Janus as well. God, he loved his boyfriends and his new hoodie. Virgil slowly snuck out of his bed, walked to his sewing machine, and grabbing the finished product. The hoodie was pretty big, it was black with yellow and green patches, a green pocket that faded into yellow, Remus's zippers ran through the sleeves, and the the hood was yellow with Janus's little top hat included. It was perfect. Virgil smiled at himself, slipping off his purple hoodie, and sliding on the new one.

"Vee?" Janus spoke with a groan as he opened his eyes and sat up. A warm smiled filled his face as he saw the hoodie Virgil wore. He stood up and walked to the shorter side. "It's beautiful." He complimented making the smaller side blush slightly while looking down.

Janus chuckled and grabbed Virgil's chin tilting his head up and kissing him. The deceiving side could feel the smaller side smile into the kiss. They broke the kiss and the smaller side smiled walked over to his bed, planting a kiss on the his sleeping boyfriend's forehead. Remus stirred and his eyes slowly opened. The intrusive side sat up, his face lighting up as he saw Virgil's hoodie.

"I love it!" Remus yelled pulling Virgil onto his lap and peppering kisses onto his face. "And I love you!" He spoke kissing the smallest side, long and passionate. Remus broke the kiss when he head Janus clear his throat — as an interruption. "I love you too, Jan!" Remus yelled pulling Janus down by his sleeve making him flop on the bed. Virgil giggled as Janus huffed. Remus grabbed Janus as kissed him passionately before breaking it and handing Virgil to Janus. Virgil smiled as he sat on the deceiving sides lap. Janus pulled Virgil closer by the waist and Virgil pulled him close by his neck and they shared a long passionate kiss.

"I love the hoodie, kitten."

"Yeah well, when I wear it I'll think of both of you not just one, but both." The anxious male smiled kissing both sides on the cheek with a giggle. "I love you both!"

"And we love you, sweets."


Idk this chapter was stupid but whatever. What do y'all think??? Lmfao honestly idek why I ask y'all never give me feedback 😣 I need feedback and request. Please request. Anyways till next time, lovelies.

~ Lia

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