Chapter 3 Praise Me, I Am Litterally The Queen..?!

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Emmaline's POV

A month has passed since the day Megan told everyone that she saw this guy that I couldn't be bothered listening to what his name was. He was apparently completely obsessed with Megan that he even rejected his mate. That bit really pissed me off. No one deserves to get rejected just for someone else that was never meant to be.

I found it very amusing and interesting though that there's someone who would do that because of Megan and that's what gets Jordan pissed.

Even though Megan told us about that interesting announcement or something, everyone is pretty calm. I guess it's because we're the strongest pack in the world therefore there is noting to worry about.

I was sitting on a tree branch, looking at the peaceful pack house. Amelia, Anna, Megan, Tiane and Zoe were swimming and splashing around in the pool while their mates, Blake, River, Jordan, Justin and Luke were playing soccer in the gym. I forgot to mention. Anna found her mate, River in the park, a little bit after Megan's announcement.

The wind blew gently and the leaves rustled. I sighed happily. It was just so peaceful that I fell asleep.

Everything was white. I called out and looked around for any sign of life. Soon enough, a beautiful woman walked gracefully towards me from thin air. She had a light, golden brown hair that flowed down to her hips. Her eyes were a familiar bright, electric blue and her lips were a healthy red.

"Emmaline." Her voice sounds soothing and melodic like a lullaby.

"Umm.." I said nervously, trying my best to be polite because she has a really powerful aura. "What's your name..?"

She laughed. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. I am Cynthia. It's a Greek name related to Artemis, the Greek Moon Goddess. My name was originally Emmaline which is where you got your name from. I am the current Moon Goddess."

I stared at her, shocked and speechless. I didn't know that's where I got my name from and she's the Moon Goddess!?!? Why on earth would she be talking to me!?!?

I guess I was taking a long time because Cynthia spoke again. "Emmaline?"

"What? Oh, sorry. I'm just so shocked." I said.

She smiled kindly. "I understand. I remember when I was first invited here too."

"Wait.. What?"

"Let me explain. You, Emmaline have the Moon Goddess' blood but you're a bit more special because you're a rare, white wolf."

"If I have the Moon Goddess' blood, how come my mother or my grandmother isn't one?"

"It sometimes skips a couple generations but no one knows how many. It changes randomly."

"Uhh.. I don't think I really deserve to be the Moon Goddess.. Have you seen the evil pranks that I did? I'm too childish and I'm not very wise."

"I did see those pranks that you did. It was very amusing and it made me think that you really are my great granddaughter." Cynthia giggled, losing her princess-y poise act. "Being a Moon Goddess doesn't change the fact that I was.. Kind of like you."

"Oh." I let all the air that I didn't realise I was holding, out. "That's good."

"I do have to teach you how to act like a Moon Goddess around other people though."

I groaned. "Anything else? Can you tell me about the responsibilities and position and stuff?"

"You will know about that when I step down and you take the Moon Goddess' position. All of my knowledge, as well as the past Moon Goddesses will automatically travel to your mind."

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