Chapter 36

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"Miss Nila?" inquired Lucas through the door of the little clergy room in the church that I was waiting in.

"Yes?" I replied. I was alone except for Shiela who was helping me with some final touches. My dress looked like a dream and my hair was raised in some artfully tousled bun. A long gauzy vail covered part of it and fell to the floor. I refused to wear any accessories except for the engagement ring Damien got for me. It was enough.

"Mr Costello is here to talk to you." he said.

I sighed. " Let him in."

The door opened and in came Costello. I almost laughed at the amount of guards both Evans and Giovanni squeezed into the small corridor. No trust between in laws apparently.

"You look beautiful, Miss Warren." he told me looking me over with a gentle smile. "I'm here to ask you. Are you sure you're ready for this? You can always say no." he added. "You're no longer alone. You have the entire Giovanni force behind you. We're all waiting for a word from you and it's war. We've got your back. "

I smiled on the inside. That fucking bastard. Was he using reverse psychology on me. Oh yes he was that manipulative bastard. They all wanted this marriage from the start. I wouldn't be surprised if the old man wanted to marry me off to one of the Evans when he was searching for me. From what I gathered. He was getting sick of the Knights bullshit. I'm exactly where they wanted me to be. He just didn't want me to know it. He wanted me to keep thinking it was my choice and they were against it. And now they're reluctantly agreeing to the union to keep the peace. Blah fucking blah. The bloody bastards were keeping their pride by not admitting they can no longer handle that psycho on their own.

I looked him in the eye. "When I set my mind on something. No one can stop me. Either by agreeing or disapproving. My life, my choice. No one else's. So every one can just fall back in line and enjoy the ride. Whether they want to or not. I don't care." I flashed him my sweetest smile. " Now I would appreciate it if you walk my down the isle. As a sign of the family's acceptance of course."

He nodded all smiles. " Of course. It would be my honor."


" What do you mean you can't find him""?" I whisper yelled at an anxious Liam.

The church was filled with jasmine scented candles. Spread down the isle were white and pink roses as far as the eye could see. The guests were already seated. Men in tuxedoes and women in expensive dresses. Diamonds hung from their necks and dangled from their ears. Politicians and business men and women, both honorable and not. But that wasn't what caught my eye when I took a peak. What did was the grey eyed asshole that I was going to marry in a few minutes and wasn't standing at the end of isle like he was supposed to be.

I was going to kill him.

"He said something happened and he had to go take care of it a few hours ago. I didn't want to worry you. " he whisper yelled right back.

"And you believed him. It didn't cross your mind that he might be one of those gittery grooms that suddenly develop stage fright."

Liam gritted his teeth. "No. And he did not develop stage fright. He's going to be pissed you said that. Just so you know. Don't worry he will be here on time. Breath. Don't panic. Just Breath. In. Out. Breaaath. " he told me.

I hit him. "I'm pissed not having a panic attack. You idiot." I took a deep breath. "Okay I'm with you. He didn't develop stage fright. Okay " I reasoned. "Then where the hell is he? "

"Right here." answered a deep husky voice from behind me. I spun around.

He stood in a midnight black tuxedo, his hair messy and grey eyes twinkling. White dust rested on his shoulders and blood seeped from a cut on his forehead. I punched his shoulder. He didn't even move. His eyes were on me. Suddenly the freezing corridor went up a hundred degrees.

"You look beautiful." he murmured. His hand reached up to cup my cheek. I slapped it away. "Where the hell were you?" I asked him. My hand reaching to wipe the blood dripping from his chin.

"Not having stage fright." he chided. I growled. He turned and walked down the isle, not caring that he looked like he just came out of a fight. It didn't matter. If he was still alive that ment he came out the winner and whomever didn't wasn't alive to tell the tale.

I looked at Liam. "Go follow your brother. It might be the last time you see him cause after the wedding I'm killing him. 'Just so you know'"

He laughed and motioned for my new shadow, Lucas, to call Costello here. He nodded and went to find him. Sheila came holding Sienna's hand. I forced a smile at them. " Hey, sweetheart. Ready? " I asked her. She looked amazing in a long pale blue dress. And I told her so.

Liam swooped in and caught her hand. "My beautiful lady. Please, do me the honor of taking my hand." She giggled and they started down the isle. Sheila smiled at me. "Nervous?". More than you can ever imagine. I smiled right back. "No."

I took Costello's hand and we walked slowly down the isle. I could feel the petal's hushed whispers beneath my feet. Everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't care for any of them. I walked with my head high, eyes only for the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. There was no divorce for us. It was literally till death do us part. It was going to be an interesting few years, that's for sure.

When we were almost there I motioned for Costello to stop. "I'll take it from here. I've always walked alone. I don't need you or anyone to walk with me. " I whispered for his ears alone. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Your grandfather would have been proud of the woman you've become."

I chose to ignore him and continued on my way to the grinning asshole that was making my heart hammer in my chest. I reached to dust some of the white particles on his shoulders and hair. He took my hand and kissed it. We were the only people there. No body else mattered. Something scary was building up between us. I didn't know if I was ready for it. But. Bring it on mother fucker.

Until you {uncompleted} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora