Chapter 42: LAURA

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(First of all I am sooo sorry for not updating for five days. It was just I was so busy the whole week so it was literally impossible for me to sit down and write a chapter. So sorry again I promise I'll be more frequent. Full disclaimer that this one is a little short but don't hate me I'll make the next update longer promise, peace :))

We landed a little over three hours ago. Mom and Dad have ordered us dinner as nobody really wants to cook anything. We are back to the U.S. timings so it is five in the evening right now.

After eating my sand which and salad Lynn and I went to my room to talk and see the album from the trip. Our parents were unpacking their suit cases we already did ours.

"Do you really wanna see the album? You saw it thrice today," I asked Lynn as she made herself comfortable on my bed. Her tumor on the knee clearly visible.

"So? Lets just see it for the fourth time,: she replied coolly.

"Fine!" I gave in but I was still thinking about her knee. Now that we are back from the trip Lynn's surgery would be happening pretty soon. I think it is after a week or something. I really hope it works, that Lynn becomes normal, that she doesn't feel the pain anymore.

"Haha! Look at your face in this picture," Lynn shook me breaking me from my series of thoughts. She was pointing at a picture of me where I am sneezing so my face looks distorted. We took these pictures on our last day as it was just a quick observation that we never really took pictures or anything while we were on the trip. Dad wanted to make an album not take them with a digital camera because albums are better. I guess he is right.


"Laura! Laura! Please wake up," these were the first words that I heard as I woke up around midnight. Lynn and I fell asleep after sometime and right now she is hunched up on the edge of my bed. At lightning speed I got to her side shouting for mom and dad to come.

"Lynn what happe-" but I didn't have any words. She vomited everything she ate and she was just sobbing helplessly.

"MOM! DAD!" I shouted louder this time.

"It's okay baby, you'll be alright it's okay," I cradled her as I cleaned her up by my sheets.

"I-I can't breathe... Laura... please help... me," Lynn gasped but at that very time Dad came running to my room and freed Lynn from my grasps and ran downstairs carrying her. Mom followed close by.

"Laura just lock the door," she says as she passed my room. By the time I reached the backyard the car already pulled away leaving me scared and stranded on my own.

(DON'T hate me i know what will happen so please trust me. *Nervous laughter*)

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(Also Eid Mubarak!!)

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