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It took a Hell of a long time to get away from Julian. Get it? I know, it's bad.

Even now, as the heats are beginning to leave, I believe that I feel his presence near me. I've been sticking close to my father so he wouldn't approach me, but considering Lucifer is still a drunken mess, I think it's more out of respect that Julian isn't close.

Currently, father had been given the task of cleaning up by God, who appears to be in control of his own inhibitions right now. Actually, I don't think I ever saw him take a shot. Smart man. Anyway, this means that the party room is on fire, since father finds that there is no better way to clean up a castle than by setting fire to it. Any wallpaper is inflammable so we're pretty safe. I am at least. Fire doesn't affect me.

I think I spot Julian hiding by the staircase and move into the centre of the room. Even God wouldn't come this close to fire.

I reach out and curl my fingers around a flame, snatching it away from its fiery brothers, and rearrange it so it burns brightly in my palm. Now I feel safe to approach Julian without being at risk of more hugging.

True enough, he is sat on the bottom step. He sees the flame, and then me, before mouthing out a 'sorry'. I see no real reason to forgive him, but do so anyway, since if I am to marry him, we should probably be on good terms.

God watches the flame, transfixed by what I can do with it as I settle down beside Julian. I knot it, wrap it around my hand, stretch it, all the tricks I used to do when I was younger.

"Doesn't it burn?" Julian asks. He is back to his polite self now.

Slamming my hand over it, I extinguish the flame as Lucifer comes over from the burning fire-pit to the right of us. "Nope," I reply. I open my hands and there is a small pile of ash. I grab Julian's hand and empty the ash into it.

This was something I never really accomplished, even with Satan as my coach. Imagining a fire starting in my fathers palm had been so difficult, but it appeared the kissing had left me remembering every detail of Julian's.

A flame flicked up from the centre. I knew that God wasn't fireproof like me or Satan, so I didn't let the flame move from the centre I Julian's hand.

"Nice job Thana." Lucifer complimented. It wasn't an often occurrence. I looked at him, extinguishing the flame as it did so, to see his serious face back on. The fun was over for another night. "We need to talk."

"Yes," God agreed.

"Living arrangements." Lucifer added.

"I don't want to live in Heaven." I stated as Julian said the same thing, though reversing it for himself.

"Well one of you has to move," God commented. "It might be easier for you, Thana, to come with us."

"I agree." my father added.

"But it's all light and white and..."

"Bright?" Julian finished my sentence.

Satan smiled. It was so similar to mine, and I almost felt that I was convinced to do anything just by it. "Thana, you practically never leave Hell, and even if you do, it's to find dishonest humans and bring them back here."

Again, I never really did that, it was my angel ally.

"Do I have any way of convincing you to change your mind?" I asked my father.

"I've already packed your bags."

"So that's a no then."

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