Heart of Stone: Story 3: Part 2

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I waked into math the next morning to see Jane already sitting in her desk, all the way across the room from mine. I dropped my backpack by my desk, plopping myself down and just sitting there for few a minutes. I pulled my phone out of my black sweatpants, looking down at the time, then back up, sighing. I stashed my phone back in my pants, stood up, and walked over to Jane.

I stoped in front of her and she very slowly looked up. Her large brown eyes were slightly widened and she looked like she'd seen a ghost. I gave her a soft smile and sat backwards in the desk in front of her. I rested my elbow on her desk and stuck my hand out.

"Hey, I'm Mya." I said, smiling softly. She looked at my hand, then at my face, then down at her hands in her lap.

"Jane." She mumbled. I tilted my head, pulling my hand back and resting the side of my head on my fist. An awkward silence fell over us, and eventually I stood up, realizing she wasn't about to try and socialize with me.

"I guess I'll see you around?" I asked, she looked back up at me with her wide brown eyes, and raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" She asked, her fists lightly clenched in her lap.

"Why not?" I asked back. She narrowed her eyes at me, unclenching and re-clenching her hands. Something had happened to her, I could tell. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. A nervous habit I have.

"I just... I want to be friends, but if you don't want to, I guess that's fine." I said, giving her a sad smile. She didn't respond, only looked down at her clenched hands in her lap. I resisted the urge to sigh again, turning on my heel and walking back to my desk.

I pulled my phone from my pocket as kids started to trickle into the classroom, talking with friends or leaving them behind at the door. I looked down at my phone, and saw that we only had about ten minutes left till class started. I opened some random game I had and played it until the bell rang.


I met up with the Popular's for lunch, walking with one of the boys there as we had the previous class together. Ian, I think was his name. We laughed and shoved each other, catching up with the rest of the boys and their girlfriends. Greetings with the boys and subtle nods at the girls, that they didn't return might I add, we walked into the cafeteria. Grabbing our food, I noticed Jane once again sitting by herself at that table in the back, earbuds in and tapping her foot. I paused for a second, looking between her and the Popular's that were walking towards the doors to go outside. I quickly caught up with them and tapped Ian on the shoulder. He turned to look at me, smiling at something one of the other boys had said. I noticed out of the corner of my eye his girlfriend glaring at me with everything she had.

"Y'all go ahead, I'm going to hang in here today." I said. He gave me a confused look, but shrugged and continued walking away with the group. I turned around and walked towards Jane with my tray. When I reached her table, I set it down and plopped myself in the chair across from her. She jumped, and almost fell out of her seat. I stifled a laugh, biting my lip and smiling as she gave me a half hearted glare. She pulled an earbud out, frowning.

"What?" She asked quietly. I shrugged, picking up my piece of pizza and biting  into it.

"I wanted to sit with you. Is that a crime?" I asked through a mouthful of pizza. She gave me another light glare, before putting her earbud back in and starting to eat her salad. I looked at her, raising and eyebrow, and tapped my fingers on the table. She ignored me to start with, but when I started drumming on the table, she ripped her earbud out and shot me a glare again. This one wasn't a light one either. Like a full blown glare, not some half hearted BS. I smiled at her as she clenched her jaw.

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