Chapter 3: Forest hunt

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Tonight me and Vanessa are at the same place where we met brizzle, the bear that gave us unnatural blessings.....powers, either of the two.

"Hey brizzy how you doing?" Vanessa hails brizzy as he sits comfortably on his tree stump making him to boast about his name and relate it to his great, great, great never ending family line "so tell me about this S.B.S stuff" I say with a warning tone he glances at the book for a second and smiles, what's so funny? I mean he just starts laughing? " you guys have come across my baby" what?!

"Eww, gross!" Me and Vanessa exclaim with utmost disgust! He just chuckles and explains how the book work and also the gem effect, it glows to show ownership it won't open if it doesn't glow for you. As soon as he was about to introduce someone Vanessa tapped me telling me she could sense my mum coming upstairs, I hold Vanessa's hand and teleport back to our rooms and yeah I have teleportation. Surprise!

The next morning, I Found Vanessa at the top of her sink screaming rat at the top of her voice, honestly I thought it was a bad hair day! Brizzle said something is going to happen sooner or later I guess its already happening, she hardly sleeps, looks like a fresh zombie every morning, sleeps almost everywhere even in the toilet she even fell in the trash can while dozing off once!

Two days to go before the end of summer I decided to stay the night at Vanessa's room to see why she looks like a zombie out of a deep freezer every now and then.

"You're sleeping here, with me great, awesome, fantastico!"

Aah she's going nuts. I pull my pj's pants up, getting ready for war as I reluctantly lay down beside Vanessa, putting the S.B.S in between me and Vanessa so i can have enough time to run when she starts her madness.

"Good night, uuh tell me when you see anything?"

" yeah I will, I will alright" she says chewing her nails, she has never done that. Even if her nails broke, I'm starting to regret coming to her room. I close my eyes.

Thirty minutes later......

" li-linsy wake up!"

Vanessa pulls me up, my eyes were blurry until she made it clear by slapping me in the eye, then I see a rat actually standing on my legs, and I'm still rubbing my eyes. Vanessa squeaks at me telling me to run but I don't get it until I really see its face.

Only God and Vanessa knew how high I jumped on seeing that monster, It was like an over fed obese mouse with green eyes, I grabbed a stick from behind the closet.

" linsy! What do you think you're doing?"

"Giving the mousy cheese!" Not knowing what came out of my mouth I dash behind the door locking it, Vanessa puts her shield up against it to prevent mum hearing any noises, the rat then gives a tiny piercing sound it didn't affect Vanessa but me making me shiver a little, suddenly a whole group of these freaking looking rats came out of a 3d dimensional porthole not like mine though I teleport like Chloe in the Thundermans, about ten of them came out chanting only one thing:

S.B.S!, S.B.S!!, S.B.S!!!

What the hell do they want from it! The book suddenly swings open, wow great timing, I battle with one of them I accidentally threw one of them onto the book and a green beam shown across the room all rats started jumping into the book, on their way entering the book we used markers to decorate them and we even removed the clothes of some. They we're hypnotised.

When they all entered the book closed and slammed open again this time with a picture of a cute little mouse on the page, so they where once cute!

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