Smol AF chapter: Snow's Trust

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Turlandb: Are you sure that you can handle this, bro?

Machito: I am sure, bro. Not the first time I've taken risks like this.

Turlandb: Alrighty then.

Machito: I talked to Alpha a few hours ago. He helped few people and he protected Jub Jub from Mario.

Turlandb: Wait, really?

Machito: Yeah. He's already making great progress.

???: ...You actually forgive him...?

Turlandb/Machito: !

Turlandb and Machito turn around.

Snow: >:(

Machito: Uh oh...

Turlandb: S-Snow...

Snow: ...How could you...?

Turlandb: Snow... Don't do anything stupid...

Snow: ...This is just like my runaway years... I can't even trust you guys anymore... Can I even trust Momma Luna now?

Machito: Snow-

Snow: *Melts into a blob of blood and flies off*

Turlandb: Well, shit...

Machito: I have not known worse days...

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