|S I X T E E N|

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"Do you like how it looks?" The maid asked you. You look at yourself in the mirror. The dress he picked for you is not what you expected from him. You thought he would have done something more reviling.

You turn to the maid and nod

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You turn to the maid and nod. "I love it." The dress reminds you of what your mother would buy for you. She always liked you in dresses more than skirts.

"Why don't we go downstairs, Mr.Jeon would be waiting for you." She says and takes you downstairs. Waiting with him is the man who brought you here in the first place.

"There you are." Jungkook says. He takes a good look at you and smiles. "It shows me how a beautiful women like you could break one of my men's nose." He says.

"Nevermind that. What is this event about fully?" You asked. "You should have received a letter this morning." Taehyung says. You look to him with a glare.

"I was not home this morning." You say sulkingly. He rolls his eyes and Jungkook let's out a laugh. "We should go now." He walks over to you and puts his hand on your waist.

"Come." You remove his hand from you waist and leave outside the house with him. "Listen, when we both arrive at the event you're going to stay by my side."

You look at him and shake your head. "I don't want to be associated with you in that way. If my father were to-" he cuts you off. "You're father is not your boss. He can't use your mother or anyone as a lever against you anymore."

You keep quiet for a good minute. You forgot that he can't use your mother or anyone in that matter to make you do things. "Right." Is all you said.

Obviously he didn't realize what his words could do but it hurt coming from a different person's mouth that you have no one to go to.

No one to hold you back.


The driver pulls up infront of a huge event hall. You both walk out of the car. Jungkook snakes his arm around your waist, making you stay by him.

Many gangs you've heard or even seen are here like he said. You hope you will see anyone you know. "Stay by me. There's to many men her that could snatch you."

As you both walk in the building eyes of others latch onto you and Jungkook. They must be surprised to see you with him.

You act as if you're "with" him. He leads you to a group of men. "You're here." One says. You look to him and recognize emedently. "Hello, sweetie." He waves like before.

"Hi, Taetae." You say all peppy. He only giggles but Jungkook seems to be annoyed. "Y/n, meet my close gang members." You give a smile.

"I'm Jimin. I would love to get to ino you." He winked and you nod. "Eyes to yourself." Jungkooks voice got protective all the sudden.

In the corner of your eye you see BM and Jiwoo. "Nice meeting you, Jimin. But I must now go see others." Before Jungkook can protest you walk off.

Obsession || Jeon Jungkook 21+Where stories live. Discover now