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[Author's P.O.V]

Benevolent woke up, half-lidded eyes and looked over towards Y/N's direction. He watched as Y/N shuffled around in his bed, yawning and sitting up while rubbing their eyes.

Benevolent stood up, stretching out his entire body as he walked over towards Y/N's suitcase.

He picked it up and headed towards Y/N.

"Come on, today's a big day. I've lot's of work to do today so I'll quickly drop you off at your next location."

He picked Y/N up and headed out his door. He walked towards Dreadful's Residence and knocked.

No answer.

Benevolent knocked for two more times and still got no answer.

Benevolent sighed and reached out to punch in the door's code. The door opened and Benevolent walked inside with Y/N. He saw Dreadful passed out on his desk with a mug on the side.

He sighed.

"Make sure you wake him up, alright?"

Y/N nodded.

"Good. Now, I shall dismiss myself."

Benevolent tipped his hat and left the Residence. Leaving Y/N and a sleeping Operative.


Y/N was startled with the sudden voice of a man speaking. They looked over to Dreadful and saw him getting up.

"What? Did you actually think I was sleeping?"

Y/N nodded which made Dreadful laugh.

"Heh, well you already know about the event tonight, right?"

Y/N nodded.

"Great. Well then, what do you say we go out to get you some new clothing? I'd say it's time for you to wear the casual Civilian clothing everyone else wears. Come on, let's go."

Dreadful fixed his bowtie and held out his hand.

"Oh and by the way, I don't like shopping unless I'm getting something I love. But Emo told me so I gotta do it, or else he'll tell your Father."

Y/N grabbed Dreadful's hand and they headed out towards the clothing store.


The bell chimed as the door hit it, letting the Civilian owner know that a new customer has entered the clothing store.

"Welcome to- Oh! Greetings, Operative Dreadful! How can I help you?"

The Civilian quickly made their way over to Dreadful and Y/N.

"Hey. Operative Emotionless said that he had a clothing order for me to pick up, do you have it?"

"Oh! Yes, I do! I'll go get it right away."

The Civilian went behind the cash register and picked up a box. They read the label and quickly went back to Dreadful.

"Here you go, sir!"

Dreadful took the box from the Civilians hands.

"You don't mind if I have Y/N try it on, do you?"

"Nope, not at all!"

Dreadful placed down the box onto the ground and opened it. Inside was a small Civilian suit, personally customized for the child of the Supreme Leader.

He tore the plastic wrap away from the clothes and had the Civilian hold it. He undressed Y/N, leaving them in their t-shirt and diaper. He quickly dressed Y/N back with their new clothes.

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