Chapter 1: Horrifying Reunion

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Jaune P.o.V Same day as Y/n kidnapping:

I had just finished changing into my school uniform and I walk out of my dorm. I was worried about Y/n. Yesterday I was told that Team RWBY, CRDL and my team members Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha put him in the Nurse's office again according to Team CVFY. I don't know why on Remnant did they changed. We used to be such good friends. He was there when I needed him. Even when I tried to push him away he stayed by my side. I didn't care what he was Faunus or not he is still my best friend. 

I was walking to his dorm to go and check on him. I walked to his room wide open and I walked inside to see Y/n not inside. I lock the dorm for him but I felt as if something was off.

'Weird...Y/n usually locks his dorm...maybe he forgot..'

As the school day passes I notice Y/n is not in any of our class. This made me feel even more unease. I was in the cafeteria eating my lunch with my team. I suddenly hear Velvet yelling in pain. I look behind me to see Velvet's ear getting pulled by Cardin again. 

Cardin: "Heh since that freak Y/n is not here you will have to take punishment again."

Those words made me had a horrible thought cross my mind. I got up from my seat Pyrrha notice me getting up. 

Pyrrha: "Jaune what's wrong?" *She see me cletch my fist and my face showed I was lived.* 

I walks up to Team CRDL, I didn't even care that Ms. Goodwitch was walking in. I grabbed Cardin's arm and force him to let go of Velvet and I punch Cardin in the nose breaking it. He yells in pain covering his nose as blood. I grab him by his shirt and lift him up, I push straight into a wall. 

Cardin: "What the hell A-arc?!"


Ren: *runs over to Jaune and tries to make him let go of Cardin* "Jaune calm down."

Nora, Pyrrha, and Team RWBY run over as I push Ren off me. I start punching Cardin in his face.

Cardin: *screams in pain* "Get him off me!!"


Cardin: "W-who!?"

"You know who?, WHERE IS Y/N!?"

Cardin: "I-I don't know, I didn't do anything! Honest."

I didn't believe him tears run down my face as I was about to punch him again. Suddenly I was surround in a purple bubble. I turned around to see Ms. Goodwitch looking stern at me.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Mr. Arc that is no way to treat your fellow student."

I suddenly started to laugh hard this caused Ms. Goodwitch confused everyone to look confused. 

"So the moment I raise my fist I get punished, But everyone else have the fucking right to cut, betray, and make fun off a boy that never did anything wrong."

Ms. Goodwitch was about to take me to Prof. Ozpin's office until a man with black hair man walked up to her. 

Man: "Wait I want to hear this." 

Ruby and Yang: "Uncle Qrow?"

Ms. Goodwitch put me down and Qrow walked up to me concerned.

Qrow: "What do you mean?"

I sigh and tell them everything that happened to Y/n. How they have been bullying him these past months. This made Ms. Goodwitch  look at others in disgust, and Qrow looked at other clearly livid.

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