The thief *part 2* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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My brain pounded against my skull, making me groan as I slowly slipped out of the grasp of sleep. My eyes fluttered open slowly, my eyebrows furrowing as I was lying in a double bed, in a room that surprisingly I recognised, even after five years. I recognised it as Tom's bedroom. I looked around to see the room empty apart from me, making me sigh as I tried to sit up. More confusion entered my brain as I couldn't seem to move my hands or my feet. I looked under the covers, rolling my eyes as my hands and feet were tied together, presumably so that I couldn't escape should I have attempted it.

"Tommy?" I yelled out, wincing as more pain swept over my head.

"Ah, you're awake." I looked up and gave the boy a small smile as he appeared at the door.

"Why am I tied up?" I sighed as he walked into the room and took a seat next to my body on the bed.

"Our past together suggests that you like being tied up." He teased, making me roll my eyes playfully. He chuckled and shook his head as he took one of my wrists and gently pulled me into a sitting position. I winced at the change, making Tom look at me.

"Why am I tied up, then?" I asked.

"I wanted to be sure that if you woke up before I came back, you wouldn't be able to run away." He admitted as he cut my hands free.

"Tommy, you know me well enough to know that I stick to my word." I scoffed.

"It was a precautionary measure, darling." He chuckled as he pulled the covers back to get to my legs, revealing that I was still in my dress. Tom cut my legs free too before looking at me. I sat up properly and put my legs over the side of the bed, wincing and squeezing my eyes shut as I held my head.

"Haz did a number on you, didn't he?" he mumbled as he gently took my face in his hands and checked me over. I looked at him, making him sigh.

"I think that you have a concussion, babe. Your eyes aren't reacting to the light properly. Come on, let's get you some help." He nodded. I returned it as he stood up and outstretched his hands. I gave him a small smile as I took his hands and stood up. But as soon as I stood from the bed, my vision went black, making my legs give way from underneath me.

"Jesus!" Tom gasped as he quickly caught me before the floor did, his arms moving to pick me up bridal style.

"Tom, I'm fine, I can walk." I groaned, though wincing still as I held my head.

"You fell before you'd even taken a step, no you can't walk." he scoffed and shook his head as he carried me out of his room and along the wood-clad corridor. I rolled my eyes but let Tom carry me, as I too was sure that if I tried to walk again, what happened before would repeat itself. Tom carried me along the corridor before pushing open a door with his foot. He carried me into what looked to be a medical suite, the clinically white walls being a backdrop for the shelves of medical equipment and a hospital bed. Harrison sat on the bed, his shirt off as the nurse who occupied the room tended to a cut that sat on his shoulder. He looked up at us as Tom carried me in, his eyes widening slightly.

"Jesus, what happened to her?" he scoffed.

"When you knocked her out, you hit her too hard and gave her a concussion." Tom stated, making Harrison's eyes widen further.

"Shit. Sorry, Y/N." he winced.

"Eh, I'll be fine." I nodded, waving him off with my hand. He chuckled and nodded as he stood up and grabbed his shirt.

"Haz, stick around." Tom demanded, making his best friend nod as he pulled his shirt back on. Tom gently placed me down onto the bed, making me sit on the edge of it as the nurse grabbed what she'd need to get me sorted.

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