Cliche 33 pt 2

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BODY SIZES...because fück you if you skinny

"Skinny" girls

1. All skinny girls are evil. They have no morals whatsoever, zero. They will sleep with anything that walks and has an external ear, they will stay up all night trying to ruin every one else's life, you have met Voldemort, you have met the wicked witch of the west but this is Britney bïtch and she'll take you down with the plastic boobs she somehow got at 14.

2. They are rich. Candy bathes in money, her toilet paper is made out of $200 bills, she drives a submarine to school and she is the heir of Bill Gates AND Jeff Bezos.

3. They are dumber than a chicken on crack. She so dumb she tries to sharp her pens when they run out of ink, she's so dumb she thinks chocolate milk comes from a brown cow but when it's time to ruin someone's life, she is on par with Stephen Hawking.

5. They have different eating habits. Not wanting to eat any fat or carbs does not in anyway make someone an evil gutless rat who only deserves to rot in an open manhole while the cockroaches feed on their eyes.

"Do you want some pasta?" I asked, pointing to a bowl so greasy, just looking at it raised cholesterol levels.

"No thanks, I don't eat carbs, just a salad please." Oh this evil bïtch, who does she think she is, how dare she have the audacity, the guts, the intestines, to eat healthy. She must be a slüt for not wanting diabetes and to live until 80, she's getting her proteins from all the semen she swallows, I just know it!

Some people like to eat a lot, some just want to eat enough, some like to eat anything and everything and others are health conscious. All these don't make anyone a good or a bad person. What makes a bad person is judging everyone for every little thing they do and I am looking at you Kaylee!

6. Skinny girls barely wear any clothes, she's okay with just a Gucci belt and high heels. How is it your business what other people wear? Like maybe if the female main character wasn't so busy judging everyone she would have time to pick better men.

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