Chapter 15: To Be FriendZoned Or Not To Be FriendZoned (Final Part Four)

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Chapter 15: To Be FriendZoned Or Not To Be FriendZoned (Final Part Four)

"I have to admit. You've really outdone yourself." Carter complimented with a full mouth of pizza

"Talking with food in your mouth? Mother never taught you any manners?" I joked, taking a bite of mine.

" I normally don't talk with food in my mouth, but I did it this one time to compliment you. That's like a once and a life time opportunity  to have the Carter Woods compliment you with food in his mouth. Cherish it. "

I rolled my eyes at his horrible excuse. So cocky.

"I bet it is. " I laughed

"So our friend here is about six inches long." I read the blue papers and looked up to study the rodent in the cage before me.

"I've seen longer." Carter smirked

"And those thoughts I had on you still remain." I told him and went back to my reading.

"I'm completly straight." He informed me. 

Well that was true since his life revolved around screwing girls, a hobby of his. I ignored him, searching for where I had stopped on the paper.

"You should be writing this." I said, not bothering to look up from the sheet.

"Why don't you do it?"

"Because my wrist hurts from making the pizza that you scarfed down like some deranged animal." I faked a smile. Sure it was lie, but he was not going to find out that I wrote that letter.

"You're such a baby. Really. Where would women be without men?" He rolled his eyes and took the pen from my grasp.

"Sexist much." I handed him the sheets of paper

"So where'd you stop?" He asked, his light green eyes scanning over the thin paper.

"There." I reached to point, but he moved the paper away a little further.

"Where?'' He asked, obviously moving it on purpose.

"There." I groaned, scooting over to point, but he only moved it further.

"Still don't see it." He laughed, moving it even further until I moved closer. Way too close for comfort.

"There!" I spat

"I knew you were in love with me, but this is ridicoulas."

I roughly pushed away from him and sat on the opposite side of the bed. This was going to be a long four days. I heard him let out a sigh before leaning over to my side and tugging on my grey sweater.

"I found where you stopped." He said innocently as I glared at him in returned.

"Let's just get this over with." I grumbled, swatting his hands away from my sweater or at least Ronnie's sweater. :)


An hour had passed and surprisingly we had got a load of work done. He did all of the writing. We only had two more parts left for the project that would be presented in a folder, but after being forced to take another break I found myself sitting in his luxurious theater room on the couch. 

"I also surf. Don't girls like that sort of stuff?" Cam asked me, I found that hard to believe. This kid had been trying to flirt with me for at least thirty minutes which I found hilarious.

"What girls really like is when you be yourself." I told him, poking his nose, he blushed. Cam was adorable and I definitely saw where he got it from.

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