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A/N: ah, yes. An update. Phone,please don't die on me. I beg you!!

Look. These are the charts. They're simple. Plus I'll kill em off later:
Lumine;inviso;13; strict. But loves to be around friends and family; qualified at all pillars Cyberraya

Rose;Tekno;13; a very nice person; qualified at all pillars; Cyberraya

Charlie;neuro;12;smart but gets scared;cute. BUT WILL NEVER TOP ALI! easily; NYC

Rizal;kombat;13; suprisingly not a jerk *ehem* Jet*ehem*;proud Pinoy; Manila

The new agents have arrived at the academy and was ordered to make their way to the training room to meet up with everyone. The new agents entered the room two of them appear to be twins and the other two are both boys.

The mentors started introducing the new agents starting with the neuro "this is ejen Charlie" a tall (a few inches shorter than Rudy) boy with red hair and light brown eyes stepped towards the others "hi I'm Charlie,i'm t-twelve" he said and immediately hid behind agent Geetha "ejen Rizal (as in Jose Rizal. Looks like him too!)" Rizal,a bit more confident than Charlie stepped up "Rizal, Kombat" he said with a bow at the end. "And the twins, Rose,and Lumine" the said twins introduced themselves "hi I'm Rose, Tekno" She said with a wave "Lumine. Inviso" he said in stereo typical inviso deminer. They both have a white streak in their black hair. Exept, Rose has a left grey eye and a brown left eye and Lumine is vice versa.

"Now,how about you introduce yourselves?" Leon said to the students. And introduce,they did. While they were introducing themselves,they couldn't help but notice the twins looking a bit worried. So,after Moon introduced herself,she decided to talk to them "hey,I don't know if this is a sensitive topic or not,but...I couldn't help but notice the worried looks on your faces" Lumine started talking "what if someone you cared about, betrayed you?""I would feel uncomfortable and wouldn't know what to think" Moon said "and its normal to feel that way because,sometimes you just have to accept that they're not the same person you knew before" moon continued. The twins were on a verge of crying "your right. We just hope that he'll have a change of heart" the twins said in unison.
Akk can't breath. Cerbie get off me!! Thank you my lovable giant
Meanwhile at an unknown location....
"Acho! The hell would someone think of me?" A man said dressed in black with a small red square on his chest. "Idiot. That's just dust. We're literally in a cave right now" the man next to him said "yeah,your right" he said as he scratched his nose.

A/N: yeah,its short. I'll try updating this later today. Can ya guess who these two are?also,my phone is dying again.


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