[05] White as Snow

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Kelsey's POV

"Find an anchor and you'll be fine." Peter told me as he got heavy chains and a load of rope out the bag. An anchor. What could possible make me stable enough to last full moon nights? Is it easy to find an anchor?

"What if I can't find an anchor? What happens then?" I ask.

"You will." Peter assures me. "Now, if you don't want your clothes to get ruined, I suggest you take them off." He smirks, causing my eyes widen at this. What did he just say?

"I'm sorry, what?" Peter pokes at my t-shirt. "They'll get ripped and sweaty, might as well be naked." Did he really just say that? Surely he's not being serious. There's no way I'm taking my clothes off, especially in front of Peter.

"No, I'll keep my clothes on thanks." I say, leaning my back against the wall and shuffle my bum to get in a more comfortable position.

"Suit yourself." Peter sighs.

I hate this. Where is Isaac? I need him. Peter grabs my wrists and ankles before chaining them up tightly. Trying to forget how much pain I'm in right now with these sharp chains digging into my flesh, I look away towards the window. The moon is almost at its peak and I can already feel it effecting me.

In the mirror on the other side of the room, I can see I'm already shifting. My eyes are amber-yellow. Hair has grown from my cheeks. Pain rushed through my fingers as my nails had been replaced with razor sharp claws.

I let out a painful growl, causing Peter to back away.

Closing my eyes, I try to ignore the torture my body is going through, but then my jaw felt as it had been dislocated, my gums hurt as my fangs started to grow. Peter gives me a sympathetic look before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I wanted to shout; come back, but I couldn't. Instead, I let out a loud roar before trying to break the chains off. I can't do this. I can't. I need to get out. I need to help find Erica and Boyd. They need me.

Facing the window, the moon hypnotises me to feel more angrier than I already do, to feel the urge to kill.


I need to kill. My eye-sight becomes a blood-red, making my heartbeat quicken by the second. My strength is building up, but at the same time I feel as if I've been stabbed multiple times all around my body.

Using all my strength, I push myself forwards, to free myself from the sharp chains. No luck. This time I try kicking off from the wall, and it works. I'm free from the chains. Looking around, I look for an exit.

The window.

Running towards the window, the glass shatters immediately, and I fly down to the ground. Landing perfectly, I run into the woods.

Find Erica and Boyd.

Rescue them. Make sure they're safe.

No. Kill. Must kill.

Have to kill.

Voices in my head talk to me. Not knowing what to do, I run. I just run until I know what I need to do. But as I run, I notice I've ran all the way to the bank. The bank Erica and Boyd are in. How did I know where to come?

I don't hear any voices. Maybe Derek and Scott have already found them. Maybe they're already safe and back at Derek's loft. They didn't need my help. But somehow I feel like I should be here, like I was meant to be here.

Walking inside, all my anger had gone. I felt scared. What if this is a trap? But I don't hear any movement, so maybe I'm alone. As I turn a corner, I can see something on the floor. Moving closer, I start to make out what it is. It looks like- "NO!" I shout before almost collapsing to the ground, holding my mouth as if I'm going to scream.

No, no, no, NO!

Running over to what I hope it's not, I start to smell blood. "No!" She's not dead, she can't be dead. "Erica, come on!" I cry. "We have to go home!" I hold her ice-cold body in my arms, shaking her lifeless body to wake her up. But she doesn't move a muscle. Tears escape my eyes as I look down at her body.

She's white as snow.

"ERICA!" I scream so loud it echoes around the room. Her body smells like iron that's been grinded with copper, but I can't think about that right now. I need to wake her up. She has to wake up. She can't leave me.

I need her.

"Erica, please." I whisper as I hug her close to my chest. "Please." I cry softly as I stroke her matted hair. This isn't real. This can't be happening. It has to be a nightmare. "Please, come back to me."

She can't be dead, she can't be. Rocking back and forth, I pray for Erica to open her eyes and tell me it's okay. That she's okay.

In the corner of my eye, I notice the bracelet she had on her wrist had droplets of her blood. The same bracelet we wore all the time. The bracelet we promised each other to keep on forever.

Thinking of the day we first put them on, made me smile a little, but that didn't last long when I looked down at her mangled body laying on my lap. That's when realization stuck me;

She's dead. The alpha pack killed her! They killed my best friend, my sister. And now she's gone forever.

Shivering, I begin to cry even more. "I will avenge you, Erica. I will kill them." I tell her motionless body. Looking up to the ceiling, I try hold back the tears.

"I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" I growl at the top of my lungs.


I'm sorry, okay. But it had to be done. That was the very sad and emotional chapter 5...what did you think?

So Erica is dead and Kelsey found her body....what will happen next? Do you think Kelsey will kill the alpha to avenge Erica? What will happen when she finds out the twins, Ethan and Aiden are part of the alpha pack? Will she kill them?

I know it was a short chapter, and again, sorry.


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