Chapter 15; Mini Mission

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When those words left his mouth, a shiver ran down my spine. The air in the room grew still, tension was thick with silence. "I don't want to talk about it, Izuku." My hand traces the scars a little.
"Oh, okay! That's fine, I was just curious." He quickly interjects.
"It's fine, truly—" my phone goes off and I quickly look down at the name. 'Handy-man' I sigh and answer it, putting a finger over my mouth signaling to Midoriya to be quiet.

"Hey, tired bastard, what is it?" I say trying to avoid his name.
"You don't sleep yourself, I need you to break into the office and pull a few files for us." Tomura said with a slight sigh.
"Right, right. I assume that you want me to hand deliver it." I try to keep my voice down a little.
"Of course, I can't risk showing up for another 2 days, (Y/N)." He confirms.
"Got it, wait, where exactly?"
"Ask your groupies." He then hangs up and I growl, pocketing my phone.

I stand up and glance at Izuku, "hey, Izuku... I think I'm gonna go out. So, I'll talk to you later." I grab my folded up coat, and walked out of the room. Izuku said something about it being almost curfew but I merely ignored it. I walked outside and turned towards the school, I tug on the door cussing when the door was locked. "Guess I'll have to get in another way." I slowly walk to the side of the building being mindful of where the cameras are, I moved swiftly. Checking for the imperfect human mistake. My eyes caught a window left a sliver, the only issue was it was on the second story. I slit my palm open and formed my blood into a stake, I swing the stake into the was but it wasn't dense enough to leave much of a mark.

After looking around for some time I notice a dumpster that could work. I try to move it without making to much noise, eventually, it sat under the window I needed. I climbed atop and opened the window. I pull myself up and over the metal windowsill, I fall onto the cold floor with a heavy thud. After brushing myself off, I come to notice this is English class. I knew where the main office was easily from here, my foot soon echoed through the eerily quiet halls of UA Hero School. I traveled down the halls turning and twisting until I stood at the main office, I twisted the doorknob. I listened as it slowly creaked open. Before I knew I was behind the desk looking through files upon files of students, records, grades, address, quirks.... weaknesses. I glance down at my lit phone screen with the name he had texted me so I wouldn't forget. I had looked at it until now, my heart stopped when I read over it realizing I knew him, 'Shinso Hitoshi'.

I slowly started to look through the files eventually pulling his out, I felt... bad. For the first time I felt like I couldn't do this, he was nice to me. I then openingly cussed, I turned my phone off and tossed the file back in slamming it shut. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I growled out, "this is why I don't want to know about the target, Damnit!" I whispered yell to myself, I stand up and leave the office a wreck. My eyes wander over the lockers as I walk back to Present Mic class. I slip back out the window and drop back down onto the dumpster.

I re-enter the dorms, no one was around... good. I walk back to my room finding my brother already asleep and comfortable on the pull-out bed. I go into the bathroom, change, and lay in my own bed for the night.

...All Might's POV...

"So you found something else on her?" I ask Tsukauchi, he sighs over the phone.
"Yeah, she had a quirk flare when she was 7 killing her two overseers at the time. It was apparently kept off record due to her age and seen as an accidental incident. The Judge in souther Tokyo, where she was living with her brother, took pity and just moved houses for them. But, one thing did shock me." He paused for a second, and sounded as if he was flipping through pages.
"What was that?" I asked knowing he'll tell me.
"Apparently, she had a bruises on her throat and left cheek when taken in."
"That doesn't make sense, she has a healing quirk." I think aloud leaning back in my chair.
"That's what I thought, but their where also bruising on the inside of her elbows." He said in a matter a fact voice.
"Like something an I.V. would leave?" I inquire.
"Exactly, there is more to her then we originally thought, Toshinori. She's been through what I'd assume was hell and I don't think she ever truly left it." He finished off.
"So, where the hell is she now?"

...(Y/N)'s POV...

I sat in class bored, my eyes looked over my fellow classmates and my phone hasn't stopped going off since this morning. I basically told Shigaraki to buzz off, I wasn't doing that job. But I still expect money for this shit, and I'll give him on any information I had required over the last month. My pencil taped on the wooden desk as Aizawa talked about something about our ultimate moves and hero license or something. I sighed my head was stuck in limbo of last night, what did the league want with Shinso? Yeah he's emo, but he doesn't seem the type to just be swayed into villainy by a little chat. I mean come on, be original here.

Just because I got bored. \/ \/

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