3: Iceland Here We Come!

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-Kaycee's POV- 

I woke up to Lilly and Elli pounding down the stairs with Ayden. "Woah what's going on down here!" Ayden asked shocked and I opened my eyes and saw Sean was hugging me. Strange since we fell asleep on opposite ends of the couch. "Oh uhm well I will explain later why don't you guys go brush your teeth while I make breakfast" I whispered to them and nodded and ran back up stairs. I gently tried to get up off the couch but in all attempts failed and Sean woke up. He groaned really loudly and probably woke up the entire house but I was still stuck on the couch. All hell broke loose when Tate walked in. "Tate it's not what it looks like! I promise!" I whispered screamed since Sean fell back asleep. "Uhm can you wake him up? I need an explanation" Tate whispered with tears in her eyes. "Of course" I smiled weakly at her. "Sean wake up Tate's here" I whispered in his ear and he shot up taking me with him. "Oww what the heck!" I mumbled and walked to the kitchen and started making cereal and cutting fruit. "So is someone going to explain what was going on?" Tate asked impatient. "Well so I was going to sleep out here by myself but Sean didn't let me cause he didn't want to get whipped by Miya" I shrugged and motioned for Sean to continue. "We both weren't tired so we watch The Office for an hour or so and went to sleep on opposite sides of the couch" Sean explained to her and I nodded along. "He's telling the truth I didn't even notice we were positioned like that till Ayden came down" I said and sucked in a painful breath and held my side. "Frick" I muttered and ran up stairs and grabbed my inhaler and ran back down stairs. "Kaycee teeth inspection I am ready!" Ayden came running to me and I picked him up. "All good buddy!" I smiled and put him back on the floor and swapped him with Elli. "All good cutie fruit and cereal is up there" I smiled at her and put her on the chair. "Last but not least Ms. Liliana!" I said and picked her up. "Who am I kidding Lilly you always brush your teeth well but open up" I giggled at her and put her back down. "Lilly, Elli your mom will be here in 15 minutes and Sean go get changed" I told them and they house got busy. I made French Toast for Miya and Cheuk plus their coffee. I put it out on the table and ran up the stairs to go change. I put on black legging and a black sweater with a hoodie just in case. I ran back down the stairs and saw Stacey in the door way. "Hi Kayc thanks for watching them again I really appreciate it" Stacey said and hugged me. "It's no problem they are angels" I smiled and hugged her back. "Well you five have two more to meet with at the airport so I will get going" Stacey laughed and took Lilly and Elli.

You could sense the tension in the room between Sean, Tate, and I. I felt horrible for starting to tear apart their relationship. We were all sitting on the couch waiting before we have to leave and all the guilt was eating me alive. "I'm going to the restroom tell Miya to give me five minutes I'll be back" I said and ran to the bathroom and started crying.

-Sean's POV-

Kaycee ran off for something she didn't do. If your wondering how I know she was thinking out loud. "Tate look what you have done you made her run off!" I sighed at her. "Sean I really don't know what to say!" she yelled at me. "Sean where is Kaycee?" Ayden asked me and I sighed. "Ayden I don't know" I picked him up and started pacing. "Sean are you alright?" Ayden asked me and I nodded no. "Sorry buddy I don't know where she is but I know she's upset about something she shouldn't be wanna go find her?" I asked him, he nodded so I put him down and he ran off. "Sean I love you and Kaycee I just need an explanation!" she yelled at me. "Tate I already gave you one! So did Kaycee it was an accident! Now my brothers favorite person on the earth is missing! And guess who's to blame! Us Tate us!" I yelled at her. "Sean you slept with my bestfriend!" she yelled back at me. "Tate what more of an explanation do you need! Kaycee and I barley speak to each other!" I yelled at her and her eyes softened. "I'm sorry I'm on my period!" she groaned into my chest. "Tate it's okay I love you too" I smiled at her and she immediately looked sad again. "Oh my gosh where is Kaycee!" she screamed and went running around the house. "Ayden!!" I called out for him. "In the bathroom!" he yelled and I locked eyes with Tate and we ran in to see Kaycee crying on the floor. "Oh Kaycee! I am so sorry! I'm on my period I'm on edge!" Tate screamed and hugged her. "Y-you g-guys a-are o-okay r-right?" she stuttered and I nodded. "Are you okay is the more important question" I asked her and she wiped her tears and got up. "I'm fine we should get going we are three minutes behind schedule" she said and picked up Ayden. 

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