Chapter 43: LYNN

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(First of all Thank you SO much ya'll for helping me reach 200 followers, 1.6 K reads, 665+ votes and 310+ comments. I love you all SO much! I  never in a million years would have accomplished this without you so this chapter is dedicated to each and every single one of the you doesn't matter if you are reading it now or in the future, this one is for you :')

Dad is racing the car at full speed while mom is holding me in the back seat, the windows were rolled down so that I could get as much cool air as I can get. I slightly feel better now than I did back then. Laura is still in the house I hope she doesn't do anything irrational.

"It's okay Lynn we will reach the hospital in no time," my mom caressed my cheek. I just nodded. A tear from her eyes fell on my forehead. That is what scared me; she didn't even try to stop it, because all of us know that I am going to go today or tomorrow.

I have no idea what Laura would be doing right now. I wish she was here with me. It always makes me feel better. All of this thinking was putting a lot of load on my mind so I just tried to shut down every thought that came and kept my eyes closed, letting the cool wind wash on my face.

By the time we reached the hospital I had lost track of everything and my dad had to carry me to the emergency ward. There they put me on a stretcher and after that I don't remember a thing as I blacked out.


My head felt so light but there was a kind of weight settling on my chest. I absolutely have no idea how much time has passed since I passed out. Nothing hurts anymore. There is silence but it is peaceful to me. Am I dead? I thought to myself. If this is dying it isn't too bad but is it really dying? As if on cue with that thought my eyes started to part but I shut them as soon as I opened because I was blinded by the amount of lights.

"Lynn?"said a familiar voice. The problem is that I couldn't figure out who it belongs to. Well at least I am still alive. For some time my subconscious added.

"Lynn," the voice came again breaking me from my thoughts. It sounded as though it was... Laura. LAURA!

I opened my eyes as soon as I knew that Laura is here. I saw her face a frown carved into it.

"Laura?" I barely muttered but she heard me as her face lit up.

"Yeah, it's Laura. How are you doing?"

"What happened?" I asked myself rubbing my eyes. There was an IV injected on my hand.

"What the-" I started to say but Laura interrupted me.

"Do you want some water?" she cuts me off.

"Umm please,"

"Oh! Okay yeah water... umm where is your water," she started searching the room when the pitcher containing water was on my bed side table.

"It's right here," I said pointing towards the container.

"Oh yeah I am sorry," Laura laughed lightly and poured me a glass and helped me sit up so I can drink the water. I really do need it as my throat was as dry as the Sahara.

"Laura what happened to me?" I asked her.

"What? No nothing happened you just umm... you just passed out that's it," she ran her fingers through her hair.


"Yeah what else would there be?"

"I don't know-" but I was cut off again by a nurse coming inside the room. Laura sprang up from the bed and looked so relieved that the nurse ended the conversation by interrupting.

"Hello! How are you doing Lynn?" she asked me in a sweet voice.

"I am fine but what happened to me?" I asked her.

"No questions," she replied shortly.


"No questions," she said again as she broke off the protection off a syringe and filled it with a clear material.

"Would you at least tell me what you are injecting into me?" I asked her clearly annoyed.

"Yeah sure. It is a pain killer and numbing agent. It is so that your knee could get some ease. You already were injected with it and as it has a little anesthesia in it you were asleep for a long time," she filled me in but I really didn't understand a word.

I tried meeting Laura's gaze but she didn't look in my way.

The nurse injected me in the thigh but it didn't hurt because Propofol* was already running in my veins and honestly I had gone through this enough times to get used to it.

"Why am I getting it?" I asked hoping that the nurse would give me the answer. But all she did was chuckle and for I got a Sorry sweaty but no questions for an answer.

"Laura can you please tell me," I asked her as I locked gaze with her.

"I told you all I know Lynn," she said as she went out of the room closing the door behind her. But I know that she is lying as she looked away.

I am not an idiot to pretend that everything is okay. Something is not alright. What that something is I have no idea.

I guess the injection started to kick in as I my eyelids felt heavy and I passed out.

*Propofol is one of the most commonly used intravenous drugs employed to induce and maintain general anesthesia

Sorry (not sorry) for the cliffhanger. (Evil Laughter)

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