Ch. 4 "Questions"

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                                                              Kaley  POV


I'm in my sisters arms as she ran through the forest, 

"I'm scared," I mumbled 

"It's okay little cub I'm not going to let them get you," She said as she kept running 

"They went this way!" I heard one of the werewolves yell 

I could tell they weren't far behind us, 

my sister stopped seeing a hole in the bottom of a tree, 

"Kaley, I need you to stay here so I can lure them away," My sister said 

"But.." I said 

"Don't worry I promise I will come back to you," She said smiling tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, 

She kissed my head I heard the footsteps getting louder, 

"Whatever you hear don't make a sound," She said 

I nodded, as the tears rolled down my face, 

She took off running, and I stayed, hidden until, 

"Found you!" One of them said his head appearing in view

                                            End Nightmare

I gasped awake, sweat dripping down my face, my heart going a mile a minute, I took a deep breath exhaling trying to calm myself, 

I sniffed the air, I smell food, it's been awhile since I've eaten good food I thought, 

I changed into the clothes Rebekah left out for me, and as I made my way down the stairs I held onto the beams in the railing as I took each step carefully, finally making it to the last step, my nose sniffing as I followed the smell, 

once I found the source of the smell I see Elijah cooking everyone sitting at the table the man with sandy hair and blue eyes was there and another man he kinda looked like Elijah,

Is this some kind of ruse? I thought 

"Maybe someone should go check on her," The one with the blue eyes said 

"Careful Niklaus, keep talking like that and everyone will think you actually care," Elijah said 

"Beside seems like the cute darling is up and about," The other one that looked like Elijah said 

I tilted my head looking at this man, he looked just like Elijah, I also felt the power off of him too, 

Rebekah walked up to me, picking me up, and sat me in a chair next to her and Niklaus, 

"So do any of you notice she doesn't have a scent," The one that looked like Elijah asked 

"Yes it is quite odd," Elijah said 

He sat a plate in front of me, I sniffed it, it smelled so yummy so me and my sister didn't exactly have a great life so we ate what we could so this is new to me, 

"Maybe she thinks it's poisoned Elijah," I heard the one say

"Oh hush Kol," Rebekah said 

I looked up looking at them, they were all looking at me funny Niklaus was taking a sit of his drink and Rebekah was taking a bite of food, 

"Is something on my face," I said in a raspy voice 

Both Rebekah and Niklaus started choking, I guess since it's the first time I've spoken, 

"You can talk!?" Kol said 

I looked away, feeling my face turn red, 

Picking up my fork and began eating they let it go for now hopefully, I thought

It felt good to have a full tummy, since I got separated from my sister I haven't really gotten a chance to get some food, 

"Okay little one now it's time for some answers," Niklaus said picking me up out of the chair,

now I'm sitting in the living room I'm on the couch in-between Elijah and Niklaus, 

"Now lets start with the obvious question where are you're parents?" Niklaus asked 

"Well.. I guess their dead at least that's what my sister tells me," I said as I played with my fingers, 

"Who cares for you?" Elijah said looking at me concerned, 

"My sister, does," I said looking at him with my green eyes, 

"Where is she now?" Rebekah said 

"I- I don't know we got separated," I said looking down, 

"How?" Niklaus asked 

"Running," I mumbled 

I felt my eyes start to glow, but I kept my head down, 

"From what?" Kol asked 

I felt my lip start to quiver, 

"A pack," I mumble

"A pack?" Rebekah said stunned 

I nodded, 

"They didn't like what I was, so my sister took me and ran, but there were too many," I mumbled 

"She tried to hide me, so she could lure them away, but they found me, but I can't remember what happened after that," I said 

I felt my eyes turn back to normal, 

"Kaley, were gonna help you find her okay?" Elijah said 

I nodded, 

"I just hope she's still alive," I said looking down at my hands,

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