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Two Days Later


"I'm not going. What's the point in going to relationship therapy is half the relationship isn't there?" I spoke over the phone with Amari.

"She could help you on your part." Amari laughed.

"She could do that when you get back." I scoffed starting to brush my teeth.

"Well, I already told Lana to come get you so you better hurry up." Amari said. "You know she doesn't care how you walk out of the house as long as it's on time."

"Amari..." I whined.

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too, I suppose." I said.

She blew me a kiss through the phone before hanging up.

I finished getting ready and by the time I made it downstairs, Lana was already in the house waiting for me.

"Amari gave me strict orders to drive you to and from therapy." Lana said waving her keys at me. "Let's go."

We went out and got in Lana's car as she started it, she began to speak.

"Why was Tyler's wife over here?" Lana asked pulling out of the driveway.

By the tone in her voice, I knew she had already made up her mind about why Danielle had been over.

That was the same tone Amari spoke with whenever I ate the last of her Zebra popcorn and she wanted me to confess.

"I don't know." I shrugged looking out of the window.

"You don't know or you don't want to tell me?" Lana asked.

"I honestly don't know." I said. "You ran into her. So why was she over?"

"She was delivering this." Lana held up a CD case. "What is it, Justin?"

"I don't know." I shrugged again grabbing the CD from her.

"You're real clueless whenever it comes to you needing to know stuff. I don't like that." Lana shook her head.

"Well, if you're hoarding my mail how am I supposed to know?"


"This is my favorite ball." Kyler said showing Tyler. "Because momma got my name put on it."

It was a crocheted baseball with Kyler Rose stitched into it.

"Really?" Tyler asked examining the ball. "That's awesome! Have you ever been to a real baseball game?"

"No." Kyler shook his head.

"How about I take you to one someday?" Tyler asked.

"Really?" His little round face lit up.

"Really. You just let me know when you want to go and I'll come get you." Tyler smiled at him.

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