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hello! i'm peach! welcome to my log book! this is best read in source sans pro ♡︎

i would like to start of by saying that everyone  is entitled to their own opinions. you don' have to believe in subliminals! no one will get offended if you don't, but please do not target me or anyone else. you can believe what you want to believe, and i'll believe what i want to believe c:

as some of you may know, i used to have another subliminal log book. it was very popular. i struggled with keeping up with it and even fell out of updates, but i'm back now. i took a long break from subliminals. i don't know if it was me or what i was listening to, but i wasn't feeling the best. i was getting terrible sleep and my mental health was beginning to reach a low. i stopped listening to them, in fear that something was wrong with the makers that i chose to listen to. i've only recently came back to give it another try, this time with a new mindset — for those of you who remember my manifest a boyfriend thingy thingy, i didn't manifest one and honestly, i'm glad i didn't. i still have some things to work on with myself.

thank you for joining me on my journey and i'm honored to join you on yours. if you have any questions or testimonials, you're always welcome to private message me! i'll get back to you as soon as i can. i plan to do a q&a at some point. not any time soon but eventually! i'll now be explaining subliminals and some tips that i know, or things that i do to help. keep in mind that what i do may not work for you. i haven't really found out what works for me so i guess we're all learning!


subliminals are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. these hidden positive affirmations are embedded in the music, just below your hearing level. because your conscious mind is not aware of the subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can't put up barriers against it. that's why subliminal affirmations avoid any resistance, which would usually hold you back.

source : https://www.successsubliminals.com/subliminals-explained/

subliminals can be affirmations or frequencies. i personally like to use affirmations because i believe in them more. i also don't trust frequencies as much as i trust affirmations. this isn't to say that you shouldn't trust frequencies. this is just how i feel about them.

in order to get subliminals to truly work, you should listen to a booster. i listen to a booster before and after the subliminal. usually, i only listen to them once but i think i'm going to increase it to at least twice. i always feel skeptical that one time may not be enough, especially if it's particularly short. if i've decided to drop the subliminal and use a different one, i usually cleanse to get rid of any affirmations that may be sitting in my subconscious. keep in mind, while you only get the results you want, that doesn't mean that you cannot cause a blockage.

to see results faster, you should also try not to use forced subliminals, even if your subconscious is stubborn. it's only going to cause damage, in the long run. you wouldn't like to be forced into doing something, constantly. why would your subconscious like it?

i've heard a lot of people say drink water, but i personally don't do that. while water is important, in general, i don't feel the need to drink water simply because i'm listening to subliminals. it feels useless to me. if i have a problem receiving results, what is drinking water going to do? if i want to change my eye color or grow taller, is water going to help my subconscious? i've heard someone say it helps the cells, but if the cells have been healthy up till now, i don't really think water is the problem. i think it's my beliefs. the slower i see results, the less i believe. the less i believe, the slower the results come.

speaking of results, you shouldn't obsess over them, either. let the results come as they will instead of checking, often. you shouldn't check for results, anyway, for a while after you listen to a subliminal. at least an hour is what i've heard, but i prefer waiting until the next day.

try to avoid listening to subliminal s while you're asleep. to me, when you're asleep is the most optimum time for your mind to start implementing those changes. if you listen to them while you're asleep, when is it going to start to fully begin the changes? it's too busy keeping you functioning and moving while you're awake. i'm not sure if this makes any sense but i hope you get the gist.

you can also help get results faster by working along with the subliminal and visualization. for example, if you're trying to get clear skin, tale care of your skin! find a good routine for it! don't rely solely on the subliminals. subliminals work hard but you have to work harder. you can also create boards on pinterest so that you can see what you want your results to look like. you'll be giving your subconscious some encouragement!

there's a lot of different opinions on how long you should listen to a subliminal, so i can't really help you on that. just do what works for you, but keep it consistent. so you want to listen for an hour, go for it. you want to listen for five minutes, go for it. just know, the more you commit yourself, the sooner you're going to see those results. i don't know how long it will take you to see results. in my opinion, if you believe, if you truly believe, it'll happen in a week, it will. it all depends on your beliefs and what you think you're capable off. the more open you are, the sooner you'll see them. don't get discouraged! if it helps, there's results all over the internet. i typically use youtube because i don't have amino — which is where most of them are.

have any tips? leave them here

have questions? leave them here


well, i don't know who you should use. i know there's some creators with ill intent and i know that it can be hard to know if you can really trust them or not. like i said, i haven't been in the subliminal community for a while so i can't particularly help you there. i do know that you should check the comments. see what people are saying. when i used other people's subliminals, i'm starting to make my own now, i would check the username first. if it was something that put me off, i would find someone else. if i didn't kind the username, i'd check their videos. the first place i always look is the affirmations. if they don't list all their affirmations in detail, i don't use them. for example, if it just says "this subliminal includes fast hair growth and healthy hair" and that's all i see, i don't trust it. i like to know what exactly i am listening to. if i like the affirmations, i'll check the comments. if the comments are short, and their isn't a lot, i don't listen to them. i prefer not to take any chances. if the comments are good, however, and there's a bunch of people saying how good the sub is, then i'll listen. i am very picky with my subliminals and i suggest you be that way, as well. i don't want anything negative going into my body.

the only user i truly trust is sushibcu. her subliminals are great and i know she's trust worthy. a bunch of people love her and she is very interactive with her subliminal users. i don't really listen to anyone else.

my current playlist is currently in the making. i'm going to go find a flush since i was listening to a subliminal at least a week ago. like i said, i create my own subliminals now. the only thing i do not make myself is the booster. i will be using sushibcu's booster and if i find a good flush, i will let you know. if you like to know how i make my own subliminals, just let me know! if you know anymore good makers, let us know!

know a good sub maker? tell us here

any questions? ask here

since i am in the makings of a hair subliminal, i will try my hardest to update you guys once a week. i wash my hair weekly so it's only good to state my weekly progress. i can't make any promises, but i will tell you that this is my plan. i want to listen to the booster three times before and after and listen to my subliminal for an hour. i will do this right when i wake up, for thirty minutes, and right before i go to sleep, for thirty minutes. thank you for reading this far! i hope you all have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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