Javid: Sick Day

608 13 45

Jack POV

"Are you okay in there Jackaleaniebeanie?" (a/n I'm running out of nicknames... help.) I heard my husband ask.

I didn't say anything, hoping he would forget that I was home.

A few seconds later, the bathroom door creaked open, and my husband popped a squat to be at my level. I looked at him from where I was sitting on the side of the bathtub.

"Jacky, why are you crying?" David asked.

"I-i don't feel g-good." I stuttered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"It's okay Jackaleaniebeanie." Davey held his hand to my forehead. "Darling, you're burning up. Come here." Davey opened his arms. I stood up, only to feel lightheaded and sit back down.

"Okay then. I'll carry you to bed." Davey said, gathering me in his arms.

After he placed me in the bed, my husband ran to the closet. He grabbed the extra comforter, some pillows and the medicine bucket. On his way back to the bed, he grabbed the TV remote, as well as his package of essential oils. (a/n DAVID JACOBS IS AN ESSENTIAL OILS MOM)

"Dave, come here. I require attention." I said coughing.

Davey walked over to the bed, and threw the comforter over top of me. "This should help break the fever. So should this." He said, grabbing a cartridge of oil. "You can put this on your chest as well as your forehead. Let me go get that humidifier that my mom got us out of the closet."

Davey kissed me on the forehead, and I started applying the oil to my chest.

"There we are." My husband sighed, walking towards the bed. "Where's my oil?"

"It's on the side table baby." I said, my eyes closing.


3rd person POV

"Where am I?" Jack asked looking around the vast plain surrounding him.

"Boss, we got him." a voice sounded, scaring the bejeebers out of Jack. (a/n Weasel? We don't know him.)

"Good. Now the plan can continue." Another figure said, walking towards Jack.

"Jack! Help!" Jack's husband Davey yelled.

"Davey! Where are you?" Jack asked, looking around at his surroundings.

No reply could be heard. Jack started to panic.

"Dave! Where are you? Answer me!"

"Jacky. Jack! Jack wake up!"


Jack POV

"Jacky. Jack! Jack wake up!" I heard my husband yell.

My eyes shot open. "Where am I? Who are you?" I asked, confused.

"Jackaleaniebeanie, it's me, Davey. You were screaming in your sleep." Davey said, running his fingers through my hair.


"Yeah Babe?"

"I'm hungry."

"Do you want some soup?"


"What do you want?"

"Can I have a Happy Meal?"

"No. You can have soup, I can make you mashed potatoes, you can have some ice cream, but you can't have a Happy Meal." My husband sighed, rolling his eyes at my antics.

"Fine. I want some ice cream." I grumbled

"Well... what's the magic word?" my spouse teased, walking to the bedroom door.

"Please." I pouted

"Of course darling. Love you."

"Love you too."


Hey. I finally wrote something over 200 words.

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