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Klaus held her dying body in his lap. Her dark hair was cascaded on the ground. He was loosing her once again. She was a helpless human, drawn to Klaus and him to her.

She has died many times before, but this one was new. Pushed off a cliff, by a passing by stranger. Of course naturally Klaus killed him on sight.

"Klaus," Layla whispered, "I don't want to die."

Klaus had tears streaming down his face, "I love you Layla, don't leave me again, please don't go."

"You will have to find me," Layla smiled, finally closing her eyes.

Klaus looked at her as she drew her last breaths. He held her closer, burying his face in her dark hair.

"We will be together again love, I know it," he whispered.


Layla Kinney's alarm went off, signaling she had to get up for school. She rolled out of bed and quickly pulled out some clothes and ran a brush through her hair. She looked into the mirror, she did not want to face this day, the her parents died.

Two years ago, her parents were brutally murdered, drained of blood. Living in Mystic Falls, Layla knew all about the vampires, in fact she was friends with most of them, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline.

She sighed before going down stairs. Elena would soon be outside to pick her up, she was right Elena was waiting outside. Layla quickly picked up her backpack and headed out the door for another day in hell.

"Hey," Elena greeted with a smile.

Layla gave her a small smile back, "Hi Elena."

"Listen I know today is going to be hard, but I want you to know we are all here for you," Elena said.

Layla nodded, "Thanks Elena."

Elena smiled, "Anytime. Now are you going to the dance tonight?"

Layla shrugged, "Yeah I think."

"Good, it will be fun," Elena said.


It was first period history, and Ric was late per usual. There was a reason for that, Klaus took over his body. He finally walked into class, "Okay class what are we learning today?" Klaus asked catching sight of Layla in the back of the room.

She looked just as perfect as the day he last saw her. That day was 1965, the day he held her in his arms as she died for the millionth time. He soon began to regret coming here, even if that meant to break the curse. She would eventually die again, and he could do nothing, as the fates laughed upon him.

"With the decade dance tonight, we are talking about the sixties," Dana said, bringing Klaus out of his thoughts.

"Right the sixties," Klaus mumbled, now catching sight of the doppelgänger in the front. "The, uh, ahem..."

"The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable," Klaus mumbled on.

" Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the... we walked on the moon. There was Watergate," he said.

"Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I mean, Mr. Saltzman," Layla chimed in.

"Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Layla," Klaus said.

Layla couldn't help to notice how flustered Ric seemed to be. He talked about the sixties as if he was there. He wasn't that old was he?

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