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Well, this was just kleb-tastic.

He pulled away from the kiss (which had been really nice, much to his surprise) only to see an expression of total shock and fear painting Andy's face.

He didn't understand at first, but directing his gaze down to his hands soon enlightened him to what was freaking her out. He had four of them. Four blue hands.

"Kleb," he hissed softly. He must have forgotten to renew his transduction before he left the house. How could he have been so foolish and reckless? He wasn't a soolian!

She scrambled away from him, visibly frightened. He stood slowly, not wanting to freak her out more than he already had. Great, today was shaping up to end just wonderfully.

"Who the fuck are you, and what did you do with Krel!?" she cried, voice tinged with panic. He took a step towards her, but that only startled her even more. "Don't take another step," she threatened. "I'm a blackbelt in taekwondo."

"I know, I know," Krel said, emphasizing his words with his hands. "I know you are. Please, I can explain-" He had to try to explain this to her without her making a huge scene, and without too much attention being drawn. This was really not the way he had wanted her to find out. In fact, he really would've liked it if she hadn't ever found out.

He took another small step towards her, causing her to scramble back even more. She put her foot down on a loose rock and slipped, foot shooting out in front of her and landing on the rocky outcropping, head hitting the stone with an audible crack that Krel really did not like the sound of.

"ANDY!" he yelped, lunging forward as she fell. He was too far away to catch her. He rushed forward, checking her pulse. Luckily it was regular, but she was out cold and probably concussed. He needed to get her some help and get her to safety.

He scooped her up in his upper arms, holding her gently. He could see there was a little bit of blood on the back of her head, and winced at the sight of it.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Aja. He really needed her right now, she would know what to do. Her phone rang and rang, going to voicemail. He tried twice more before giving up; she was most likely on a date with Steve.

He dialed Vex next, who's phone also went to voicemail. Krel sighed, Vex's favorite game show was probably on right now, and that was why he was not picking up.

Who could he call that could help him? He could directly contact Mother, but she would just send the Blanks and he did not trust Ricky or Lucy to get either of them home safely or reliably. He couldn't call Eli for various obvious reasons... oh! Stuart! He would call Stuart!

Stuart picked up on the third ring. "Yello, it's Stu, how can I help you?"

"Hey, Stuart-"

"Prince Krel! Hey, how's it going! Wait, weren't you on a date with that lady friend of yours? Why are you calling me?"

"If you would just let me explai-" Krel began, but Stuart cut him off again.

"Uh oh, is the date going poorly? What's going on? C'mon, tell Uncle Stuey, he promises not to tell a soul!"

"If you would just shut up for one mekron and let me explain!" Krel shouted, exasperated. Stuart did not say anything, and Krel knew the exact expression he was wearing. It was one of sheepish embarrassment, Stuart often wore this expression after interrupting people. "Yes, the date went poorly. Not in the way you might think, though. It seems that before I left the Mothership, I neglected to renew my transduction," Krel explained, "and she freaked out when I changed. She slipped and fell and knocked herself out, and I think she has a concussion. We're stuck out in the woods."

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