Chapter 59 - The Great Escape

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 Voldemort turned away from Al and back to the circle of Death Eaters. "My plan was to bring Harry here tonight," he said to them, "But the opportunity arose to bring dear Alexandra here, and I...I could not refuse. Tell them what you did to you Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, last September."

 Al did not speak, terrified she might cry if she opened her mouth. Even when Voldemort pushed his wand into her chest, she still remained silent. It was only when he raised it at Harry that she replied. "I stunned him," she said quickly, hoping that he'd lay off Harry for a bit.

 "More than that," Voldemort said, satisfied, "You almost killed him. And then, when he tried to perform the Imperious Curse on you?"

 "It didn't work," she said, hoping she sounded rude and defiant.

 "And when you performed so brilliantly in the first task, I knew I had made the right choice. Pray, what did you do to that poor dragon?"

 "I stunned it," Al said.

 "You stunned it," Voldemort repeated, apparently delighted, "A power never before seen!" There were murmurs of agreement and Al let her eyes flick over to Harry, whose own eyes were wide with horrified anticipation. It didn't go unnoticed. "Love is a weakness, my dear," Voldemort said, still not taking his eyes off her, "And the sooner you make the choice not to love, the sooner your power will reach its full potential."

 "There isn't a choice," she growled angrily, "Just because you destroyed your ability to love by-"

 "Ah, ah, ah," Voldemort said, and suddenly Al found herself unable to make a sound, "Yes, yes. I was warned of your crude temper. But, Alexandra, you are wrong. There is always a choice. Even if we must craft it ourselves - the choice is there. And now, Alexandra, I ask that you make the choice to join me."

 Al found herself able to speak again. "No," she scoffed, forcing a look of amusement on her face.

 Voldemort did the sick smile, that wasn't really a smile. "I thought we may hit this little barricade," he said, "Which is why I offer you a deal. I will be lenient on your dear cousin, if you co-operate."

 "You'll kill him anyway," Al pointed out.

 "But I will kill him painlessly," Voldemort said. Al looked at Harry, her cousin who had already been through so much. But she couldn't lose him - not when she'd fought so hard. She needed to be clever about this.

 "Fine," she said, " A painless death."

 "It will not be that easy, Alexandra," Voldemort said, "I need you to prove that you are loyal."

 "What?" she asked impatiently.

 "You will duel Harry," Voldemort said, "To the death."

 "What, because you're too weak to do it yourself?" Al shouted, feeling the circle shift uncomfortably around her.

 Voldemort grimaced, looking disappointed, "Well, then. I see your loyalty remains with Harry... You lied to me Alexandra, which I knew you would. When I kill him, my offer remains there. But for now...Crucio!" Al shrieked as the spell hit her and Pettigrew dropped her. The pain seemed like it would never end, and the stings, aches and twinges ricocheted around her body.

 And then it was gone, replaced with a dull ache of fatigue, and Al breathed where she lay on the floor, not ever wanting to move. She blocked out all the sounds around her. Voldemort was talking, the Death Eaters laughing. The only sound she let through was Harry's scream of pain, which caused her to move her head as she forced her eyes open.

 Harry was duelling Voldemort. It seemed that way anyway. He had fallen under the Cruciatus Curse, and she was left unprotected, away from Voldemort and the circle, which had since closed. And so, despite every cell in her body screaming at her to stop, to just give up, she scrambled to her feet and ran.

 Al found a rhythm in her sprint, and she stuck to it. She could see the wall now, a gleaming freedom. Her lungs burned and her head pounded, but still she ran. She could hear shouts in the background, and forced the smile away from her face. She was not free yet.

 And then, when she was so close that she could see the world beyond it, a Death Eater materialised in front of her. She skidded to a halt, almost falling over in her panic. She turned and headed the other way, but more Death Eaters materialised.

 The soft hiss of Voldemort's voice sounded behind her. She didn't turn, frozen on the spot with fear or magic. "You're a fool, Alexandra," he told her. He was so close to her that she could feel his words in the back of her neck. She tensed, willing herself not to flinch. "To think you could run. Your efforts, while valiant, were undoubtedly foolish." It was almost like he was whispering to her, except it was a secret she didn't want to hear.

 "Lucius," he said, and Al felt him step back and away. The Death Eater to Al's left raised his wand, and before she could react, she was hit with a stunning spell, and blacked out before she'd even hit the floor.


  Al's eyes flicked open, not daring to move from fear of the pain that would come with it. A golden light shone brightly at her, and she squinted through it. She could see Harry, red sparks flying from his wand, and Voldemort, green sparks flying from his. Their beams were connected, and a golden orb surrounded them.

 Figures, like ghosts, floated around Harry, talking to him, urging him on. She could see the determination on his face. Go, Al thought to him.

 I'm not leaving you! Harry thought back.

 We had a deal! Al thought furiously, It's the only way! Bring them back here! She saw his green eyes flicker down to where she lay, filled with rage and fear. The ghosts were still talking to him, urging him on.

 And then he broke the connection, and the ghosts flew at Voldemort, and Harry was running towards Cedric. The cup flew towards him, and he was gone, and Al was alone in the graveyard.

 "Get up, Alexandra," Voldemort said, looking down at her. She did not move, and struggled against the Death Eater that pulled her to her feet. "Harry Potter left you to die."

 Al smiled as best she could. "Harry Potter beat you again," she said, "First as a baby, now twice as a boy. All you have to do is admit you're weak."

 "Crucio!" and Al fell to her knees, the feeling of being burnt alive raging through her. "This is what Harry Potter left you to!" Voldemort's voice shouted as the curse cut off.

 "Who cares?" she shouted back, "No one except me, and you. It's like you said, I'm Harry Potter's cousin, nothing more! The world doesn't care!"

 Voldemort crouched down beside her, placing his finger underneath her chin, and forcing her to look up at him, into those terrifying red eyes. "But you could be so much more...with me...join us..."

 "I would never," she spat at him.

 "Crucio!" Voldemort shouted once more. There was a brief flicker of pain, before Al fell to the ground. The pain numbed, and black spots clouded her vision, and then she thought no more.

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