13 || then we're all crazy

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Unfortunately, you weren't able to get much out of Beverly on the phone call. The redhead simply instructed you to go to her house at eleven o'clock sharp, and mentioned that she was going to call the boys to join you as well. The phone call was short and confusing, to say the least, and you didn't even get a chance to ask if what had happened to her was similar to your encounter with the clown.

Since there was nothing else to do and you were beginning to feel your eyelids droop, you decided to get some rest before you had to go to Beverly's. Just in case you overslept, you quickly set an alarm for ten-thirty before adjusting your blankets and moving into a comfortable position, laying your head down on your pillow. Because of the lack of sleep you'd gotten lately, it didn't take long for you to drift off into a deep slumber.

You were rudely awoken by your blaring alarm at ten thirty-nine, supposing that you must've been half asleep when you hit the snooze button at ten-thirty, since you couldn't recall doing so.

Grabbing a white sweater and a pair of jean shorts, you headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. You took a shower, doing your best to avoid letting the water touch your arm, then swiftly changed into your clothes, making sure that the sleeve of your sweater wasn't rubbing too much against her uncovered cut. Afterwards, you brushed your teeth and fixed your hair so that it looked less like the bird's nest it usually did.

Splashing water onto your face to wake yourself up more, you looked into the mirror, carefully examining your appearance. You decided that you looked satisfactory, so you walked back into your room to grab your house key. You then went out the door that led to the garage and grabbed your Y/F/C bike that laid against the wall, dragging it into the house and out the front door. After making sure the door was locked, you hopped onto the bike seat and swiftly began pedaling toward Beverly's apartment, wondering just what could have happened to have her so frantic.


It hit eleven o'clock right as you got there, and, as if by telepathic communication, the boys arrived at the exact same time you did. You hurriedly got off of your bike and walked it over to them as Beverly darted down the stairs with a sense of urgency.

"You made it," she said breathlessly, looking around at all of you with relief. "I... I need to show you something."

"What is it?" Ben asked instantly.

"More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie questioned.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie!" Eddie said, irritated.

You found yourself rolling your eyes in annoyance. It was so early in the day (at least for you) and they were already bickering. And loudly too.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment. Y/N's the only one that he's actually okay with having over," Beverly explained.

"Th-then we'll leave a lookout," Bill spoke up. "Richie, s-s-stay-stay here."

Beverly was already rushing up the stairs to lead them to her apartment by the time he finished his sentence, and you quickly moved to follow her, all of you dropping your bikes onto the ground except for Stanley, who had used the kickstand on his.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Richie exclaimed, making you and Stanley stop and turn around from where you were standing on the stairs. "What if her dad comes back?"

"Do what you always do," Stanley answered. "Start talking."

You stifled a laugh at his response, and when Richie looked up at you for encouragement, you simply offered him a thumbs up and a grin before heading back up the stairs.

"It is a gift," you heard him say, and you just shook your head in amusement.


When the six of you walked through the door of Beverly's apartment, you could already sense that something was wrong, and you were proven correct when she brought you over to the hallway leading to the bathroom. An eerie red glow was peering out from underneath the door, and if there was anything you learned from watching horror movies with your best friend, it was that a red glow was not a good sign.

"In there," Beverly said quietly, looking over at the bathroom with apprehension.

"What is it?" Stanley asked anxiously as you all slowly edged toward the door.

"You'll see."

You turned your head to look over at Stanley and the two of you sharing uncertain glances before looking back at the closed door.

"Are you taking us to your bathroom? I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms," Eddie said. "And, I mean, that's where all the bacteria and fungi are, and it's not a really sanitary place..." He trailed off, beginning to mumble.

When you approached the door, all of you were hesitant to actually open it to reveal what was inside. Bill, being the brave one (something that you definitely admired about him), lightly pushed open the door with a creak, and your mouth went slightly agape at the sight before you.

Everything in Beverly's bathroom was covered with bright red blood, from the ceiling, to the mirror, to the floor, to the bathtub. You couldn't even tell what the original colors of the objects in the room were. They all looked like they were permanently stained red.

"I knew it!" Eddie gagged.

"You see it?" Beverly asked in disbelief, eyes wide and hopeful.

"Yes," he replied, a disgusted look overtaking his facial features.

"What... What happened in here?" Stanley stood beside you, paralyzed with shock.

"My dad couldn't see it," Beverly said. "I thought I might be crazy."

"Well, if you're crazy," Ben piped up, "then we're all crazy."

After a moment of silence, Bill looked back at you all purposefully. He made eye contact with you and you gave him a small nod of approval.

"We c-c-c-can't leave it like this."

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