04 | friends... not

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Apparently, Namjoon thought it would be cool to spend some time together in the student council's office, with five more people. It wasn't long before I realized he had set us up, wanting me to befriend his friends and stop isolating myself. Poor Y/n knew none of it, thus she felt in his trap and brought me along.

All of the members were there. I'd had met each of them in the past, mainly because Namjoon would invite them home. We didn't talk much, but I knew they were kind and supportive; always there for him.

"I have to take a nap, but it's nice to see you." Yoongi—the eldest—told me while sitting at his desk. "L/n Y/n." he bobbed his head as a greeting gesture

The said girl smiled before looking at me, obviously relieved. Soon, the boys introduced themselves to Y/n who wanted to know more about their position. I noticed how Namjoon was silently observing, not even bothering to make small talk. I guess he was satisfied enough by my sole presence.

"My job is to make sure that ALL the students submit to the rules! I take my position very seriously; I won't allow anyone to ruin Bangtan High's reputation."

Jimin's speech wasn't even surprising. He always seemed like the serious type; determinate and obedient. I guess that explained why he was the vice-president. He'd probably become my brother's successor. Despite that, he was kind and particularly caring when it came to me, considering I was his best friend's little brother.

Then we had Jung Hoseok, the polar opposite. Friendly, relaxed and warmhearted; he had the power to make anyone comfortable. It seemed to work on my classmate, seeing how she'd easily smile whenever he spoke to her. On the contrary, she couldn't even look at Jimin or Taehyung.

"Jungkook, look at me!" Taehyung pressed his hands on my shoulders. "I was born to seduce." The way he said that without blinking made the whole situation weird; but he didn't seem to care. "If a girl attra—"

"Or a boy." His friend interrupted him.

The guy in specs clicked his tongue, obviously disturbed by Yoongi's interruption. "Or a boy." he repeated "If a girl or a boy attracts you, I'm your man. They call me Love GuTae, as in guru and Taehyung!"

Y/n—who remained unusually quiet all along—bursted out laughing. It took her a few seconds to realize her action. She quickly stopped and cleared her throat.

"That's lame." she blurted out in the most natural way possible

This time, it was my turn to laugh. Thankfulky, Taehyung didn't seem to take it badly. On the contrary, he started his propaganda with her, leaving me alone in the process. I was too shy to talk about girls anyway; especially since those I tended to find beautiful scared the hell out of me.

student council || chubby reader x j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now