Draco - 12

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Harry was so excited by the fact that we were going to the Weasley that I forgot to be anxious about going to meet what was Harry's family. When we went on the train and he felt asleep, the excitation went down, and the stress went up like crazy. I mean, the Weasley were the only family that Harry had, except from those muggles, and I know that they didn't exactly like me. I mean, what if they hated me and Harry left me. I would die. No he wouldn't leave me right? Argh why I am stressing so much. I tried to relax and do other things during the ride, but I couldn't. About thirty minutes before we arrived, I woke up Harry. He immediately saw that I was stressing.

-  Hey princess, what's wrong?

-  It's nothing, you're going to find it silly.

-  I could never laugh at something that's bothering you. Please tell me.

-  Okay but no laughing. I am just stress about meeting the Weasley because they are basically your family.

-  Princess of my heart, you have nothing to worry about. I know what will help you.

And then, he pulled me, so our lips would touch. After a couple of minutes, we broke apart for air.

-  Well you were right, I needed that.

-  See, now stop stressing princess, it's gonna be fine I promise.

-  Okay, I'll stop.

When we arrived at the platform, I was surprised not to see a family of red hair waiting for us. It was actually a very beautiful blond woman who came to pick us up. After a few seconds, I realize it was Fleur Delacour from the triwizard tournament.

-  Hey Harry, isn't that the girl from beauxbatons?

-  Yeah she married Bill last year before school.

-  Oh okay.

-  Arry, it is very nice to see you again!

-   It's nice to see you too Fleur, you accent is getting better every time I see you.

-  Oh well, I practice a lot with Bill. Who is the handsome young man beside you?

-  Well, I wouldn't say handsome but I am...

-  Baby of course you are handsome, why wouldn't you be. Fleur, this is my mate, Draco Malfoy.

-  What creature are you?

-  I am a neko.

-  Oh, well nice to meet you Draco. Now let's go before Molly gets mad at us for taking too long.

She took Harry trunk and before I could even think about touching mine, Harry already had it in one hand, holding my waist with the other. We were getting a lot of weird looks, so I try to get away from his grip because I didn't like grabbing all of the attention. Harry didn't even realize that we were getting all of these looks. I guess he was just used to have people stare all the time. He just grabbed me even tighter to make sure I knew he was not letting go of me. We finally arrived to the floo network. Fleur was the first one to pass. After she disappeared, I turned to Harry.

-  You should go first so it's less awkward.

-  So you can decide not to come,  leaving me hanging, no way, you are going first and I'll be there right after you. And it's not open for discussion, so just go already.

-  Okay fine.

I couldn't say no anyways because he used his dominant voice and that made me listen. It also send shivers down my spine. I stepped in the chimney and said clearly.

-  The burrow.

I arrived a couple of second after. I was welcomed by 10 pairs of eyes looking at me like a bomb that was going to explode. I was just stepping out of the chimney when Harry appeared in it, tripping on my trunk. He would have definitely end up on the floor if I hadn't been there to catch him.

-  Thanks princess.

-  You welcome my prince.

He pulled me closer to kiss me when a clearing of the throat brought us back to where we were. I almost forgot for an instant.

A/N: It's a small chapter, I know, but longer ones are coming. I will try to update as often as I am doing right now but I have exams coming up so it might be a bit difficult.

Love you guys and don't be shy if you have any comments

- H

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