Chapter 19

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"What happened exactly?" I asked Elizabeth.

Tori and I didn't know what to do when we picked her so we had no choice but to take her here.

Elizabeth looked away, "why do you wanna know so bad." she said nonchalantly.

"Because-" I was cut off by Tori


Eli and I flinched at the sudden outburst.

Tori looked like she was about to cry, "I'm your best friend. First you get beaten up by some girls and then this happens...I'm-I'm worried, Eli."

She sighed, "fine."

"Thank you." I muttered.

"I was on my laptop doing something and then dad called. He was angry because I brought someone in the house-"

"You were injured!" I said in matter of fact.

"I told you he wasn't fine with it." She said. "Anyway, he checked my sides and then got angry again for getting in a fight."

"Unbelievable." I heard Tori say to herself.

"He went up my room and took my laptop and uhm.." She coughed, "smashed it."

"What?" We both asked at the same time.

"What?" she shook her head lightly and looked at us like we're being weird. "It's nothing."

"Tell. Us." Tori pressed.

"Fine I'll tell you!" Elizabeth yelled, "I was looking through shit on how to not be hateful, tori, how to accept how to not be homophobic because I miss you Tori." Her eyes were glossy, I noticed her face red of embarrassment and her fist curled on the white bed sheets.

"Dad thought I was going to join mom and I was a traitor so he threw me out. I wanted to talk to you last night but I figured at least I had to know something so I wouldn't anger you anymore! There! You got your fucking ans-"

Tori hugged her.

"I love you." She said to Elizabeth while brushing her hair with her fingers.

Elizabeth replied something I wasn't able to hear.

They pulled away and then tori stretched her hand to me.

"Oh- oh no this is supposed to be your thing."

"Oh come on." She rolled her eyes at me and pulled me to them before hugging again.

Tori pulled away so I tried too but Elizabeth kept me in place. Her chin resting on my shoulder, her warm hands placed on my waist.

"Thank you. " her soft voice whispered.

I felt my insides get mushed.

I pulled away and I cleared my throat, "you're welcome."

The door opened wide and we saw her dad standing there, his suit unwrinkled like it was iron pressed for an hour, he looked sad but the look in his eyes told something else.

He rushed to the bed, pushing both of us away.

"Elizabeth are you okay? I'm so s-" he turned to us and stood straight. "If you'll excuse me I need to talk to my daughter." he said sternly.

I ignored the man's stare and looked over to Elizabeth, "We'll wait outside."

"You don't have to." He said as he blocked my view.

"We'll wait outside." Tori repeated and then dragged me out of the room.

"I don't trust that man." she said while we took a seat on the floor.

"You're so protective of her huh." I said in a light tone.

"Yeah," she hugged her knees, "he's using her as a trophy but she's blinded because she don't want another figure to leave her again. She's not allowed to stay out and now he hurt her." I notice her hand form a fist.

"We can get her... I think" I offered.

"What do you mean?"

"I honestly don't know... She can stay with you or with me for a short time while we think this through. If he hurt her once he can do it again."

"I don't think she'll be fine with staying home with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

"I can't tell you why." she dismissed.

"Okay... Mine then?" She nodded.

"Thanks for helping us." she hugged me sideways.

"It's nothing." I hugged her back, "I'm a friend after all." I feel her hug tighten.

"Thank you."

We heard the door click open and we immediately stood on our feet.

"I don't want to see you with my daughter again." he said as his gaze on us harden every second.

"She'll be friends with who she wants." I said.

"And who are you to say that?" he said as he steps closer.

Tori pulled me away and covered me, "Look Mr. Collins, if you don't want to see your daughter with us," she looked up and glared at him, "then close your damn eyes."

The man scoffed, "Thank who you want to thank that we're in a hospital right now."

"What, you're gonna beat me up? I don't think that's a good image on your record." She smirked.

To think that this girl was the one screaming and laughing at my car scares me.

The man fixed his tie and walked away.

Author's notes

I think I'll add a #slowburn tag

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