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i've missed you guys! usually i post on my community tab thingy but i've been refraining lately since i don't want my most recent post to get buried but it's weird not being able to vent to strangers on the internet lol. um, so i got a car over the weekend (i don't have my license yet i'm waiting until i'm 18) and i've been thinking about some things and also i have the weird urge to completely rewrite the Protection From Hell series as an original trilogy, so yeah i might do that. i haven't been writing a lot lately since i've been redoing my room (just need to hang stuff up and general tidiness at this point) but i'm going to try to make some time today :) enjoy the chapter!! tell me theories or just how you guys are :)))


Fuck Witcha

WildHoe: you guys wanna hang out?

Kryoz: why?

WildHoe: because we're friends? let's go watch a movie or something  ya know?

Moo: oh we're friends now??

Kryoz: ffs dude ofc we are, we have to leave all the drama behind and move on. we can't be friends if we can't move on- it's better that way

Four07: yea sure a movie sounds fine

ChokingIsMyKink: great! so it's settled then, brian isn't coming tho

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: woah woah wait how do you know?

Kryoz: brian and craig are like avoiding each other? right?

WildHoe: they need to work out their issues and the best way for that is for both of them to stay away from each other

Fitz: healing shit hell yeah

Moo: self care hours?

ChokingIsMyKink: shut up

Kryoz: cam? you coming?

Fitz: can't, i'm kind of in australia

Kryoz: i know :) sucks to be an outcast doesn't it?

Fitz: :((

WildHoe: i'll find out the times then? text you guys when i find out

Kryoz: sounds great!


Now showing private messages between ChokingIsMyKink and Kryoz

ChokingIsMyKink: please :(((

Kryoz: he told you he wanted to heal and the next fucking day you're hitting me up like this?? what the fuck are you on

ChokingIsMyKink: i just- hes our friend too, he should be invited at least :(

Kryoz: we're not inviting evan, because you and tyler made him mad for whatever the fucking reason, and you don't seem to have a problem with that but you have a problem with not inviting Brian after he explicitly stated that he was trying to distance himself for a while? he's not coming, i'm not texting him, deal with it

ChokingIsMyKink: the thing with evan is bc i know he doesn't want to talk to me or tyler after what happened- or even see us tbh

Kryoz: then why is brian different?

ChokingIsMyKink: bc he doesn't hate us and he's our friend!

Kryoz: or is it because you don't want him to fall out of love with you? you think that keeping his feelings the way they are might come in handy later on if everything goes to shit later on?

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