Sotam - Blood lilies

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Sotam time!! Not a very popular one - but I do see part of it's appeal, regardless platonic or romantic  :)

Dedicated to @Moonlight-Fox for the ship!

T/W; Blood and gore, maybe minor cussing?


"You said it was a flesh injury, not a goddamn stab wound!"

Sophie smiled weakly as she hobbled towards a increasingly blurring table with the help of an extremely worried Biana who grimaced at the sight of the enraged boy.

"Fintan showed up out of nowhere with these new kinds of daggers, I'm not sure what they were coated with so I tried to go get one, but then Ruy realised I was there so Sophie tried distracting him.......which eventually led to a dagger in her ribs.......I did wrap the wound up a bit and take the dagger out....though Elwin should probably take a look at her..."

"Relax...........Bee.........I'm...........Fi---" Sophie slurred before she fell back, unresponsive.

Tam clenched his fists, before leaping up and hefting Sophie's body bridal style.

"Biana...Let Elwin know that we're coming and that's Sophie's been stabbed. Let Dex know about the substance and make sure he gives it to Tinker for examination, then you can go get changed, alright ?"

"But what about you?"

Tam looked down, before pulling out a light leaping crystal with much difficulty from inside his tunic.

"I doubt Sophie can walk herself to the infirmary on her own."


Tam had gotten used to the colour red.

After all, when it would decorate the back of his back in angry lines, carved deep from a young age, and would soak the yellow embroidered sheets with little buds blossoming at the many nooks and crannies, you learnt to to get used to the colour red.

Especially when it meant that Linh never saw the snaking vines on his forearms.

But when he saw the red rose, right in the center of Sophie's frail structure, blooming and creating a ghastly halo around the thin slit at her side, Tam panicked.

He pressed his palms against the mangled flesh, he remembered you were supposed to stop bleeding by putting pressure on wounds. But, oh, there was so much blood - dark crimson, with a discreet, metallic scent. It cascaded across her pale skin, right through his finger tips.

Time itself had become irrelevant; the seconds could have been hours, or hours mere seconds. In that moment he was suspended in the eye of his own storm in his mind; whirling him around and turning the bright blood into shades of brown - distinct features like her chapped lips into mallow melt dipped leaves.

Tam almost thanked Elwin when he dragged Sophie's cold body away from his trembling hands while Bullhorn screeched in the distance.


Sophie blinked back at thunderstorms swarming in her mind, the disjointed haze from the anaesthesia receding to the point where she could make sense of the world around her. Though the edges of his vision flickered and danced, the centre coalesced into a figure of a very concerned physician and a boy, with..........purple hair?


"Elwin huh? You must be really clobbered if you can't even recognise your Collective's medic....."

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