Chapter Fifteen. A little bit of control

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Rainbow's POV.

                  Next morning

We had this girl back in the orphanage when i was a kid, who's slogan was 'you only live once'(Y.O.L.O). She was a major pain on our mothers backsides. When she wasn't busy running around with some rowdy bunch of delinquents in the city, she was faking signatures to get sick days off school, to go shopping or change her hair color. Some days when she was in the mood for adventures, she would disappear for days and even a week to other towns with her friends. Depending on when the mothers find her.

They will host wild parties, vandalize properties and even do hard drugs. The mothers will often ransack the whole town in their quest to find her, some will call the police while others call friends from near towns. The police stopped answering after some time, said the kid had a death wish.

Mama Evelyn would cry her eyes out while letting out some few prayers of safety on her behalf. Other mothers would get so frustrated that, they too would start saying things like:this child is self destructive, she is a danger to herself and the other kids.

Few months after her 16th birthday, she died of stage four brain cancer and her heart was donated to someone in need of a heart transplant, following her last wish.

As a kid, i didn't understand any of it. I became so afraid of anything and everything that i deemed unsafe. I'd thought her life style had led to her untimely death. Only as an adult, did i fully understood what really happened. She wasn't self destructive or dangerous to anyone. She'd been diagnosed with brain cancer when she was only 12years old. Like any other person with terminal illness, she thought her life was over anyways.

So taking matters into her own hands, she lived her life on her terms. Not the medical doctor's, brain cancer or the mothers'. Though her life was short, she did everything and went everywhere she wanted to. She lived her life on her own terms.

In just four years, she did more than I've done in the past two decades of my life.(sighs)I have gone through so much!
i have also lost so much even though i haven't really started living my life. But i guess its never too late to start afresh. I'm gonna take it one day at a time. 

Its currently 8:40am, I'm all dressed and I'm counting down to minutes before walking out of here. I was awake all night making sure the house is clean, laundry all done, and meals all cooked. I made sure everything and anything that my husband will need for the whole day is available and labeled.(inhales shakily) 'its okay Rainbow, you're just accompanying a friend to go pay respect to his dead sister'  I said out loud trying to get my beating heart to calm down, but it just won't stop!

Its one thing to meet a friend's living relative, and its another thing when the said relative is dead. Its always easy to tell if they like you or not, when you can see their expressions. Hunter and Kayla were best friends and now there's me! Will she be okay that her brother made another friend or will she be resentful?

I know you're wondering; why I'm  obsessing about this whole thing. Am i not just helping out a friend? Its not a big deal.  Well its a big deal for me! it has never been easy for me when it comes to making friends. The last time i met a friend's relative's was Benjamin's adopted parents. Mama Smith straight up asked me; if i was with her son for his money. Benjamin had rushed to my defense immediately of course! telling her we were in love and all. But she wouldn't hear any of it, It took a lot of effort on my part to get her to warm up to me.

I should really stop wearing myself out with these thoughts before i start having migraine, my friend needs my help and that's all that matters. Taking one last look at my reflection in the mirror, I close my eyes and breathe in deeply before picking up my purse and walking out of the room.

I'm checking my purse to make sure i have everything i need for my road trip with Hunter when i noticed I've not collected my car keys. Oops! well we can't allow that now, can we? I chuckle at my own silly question while walking towards where my keys are, when i hear my husband's voice saying.

"And where exactly are you going to on a Saturday morning?" Of course! The only time he acknowledges my existence is to suck any form of joy in my life. But that won't work today, because today is about something bigger than myself. 

"I didn't see you there! Good morning to you too, hope you had a good night sleep? I'm heading out to run some errands for a friend, everything you will need for the whole day is available where you can find them." Picking up my car keys i give him the most genuine smile i can muster while saying. "Have a nice day!"

I'm practically skipping out of the house with joy, thinking nothing can spoil this day but as i spot Hunter pacing in his porch I'm starting to think, maybe i spoke too soon.

        Author's Note
Hi guys!
I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I promise to update more often. Thank you all for your reads, votes and comments 🙏🙏🙏

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