Chapter 13

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Marella's POV:

Sophie walked into the kitchen followed by a very flustered Keefe. Biana and I exchanged grins.

"Aww, Sophie, you look great," Linh cooed.

"Since breakfast failed, do you guys wanna play base quest?" Tam suggested.

"Ooh, yeah," I said, bouncing on my feet. "I call Sophie for my team."

"How about girls vs boys?" Wylie suggested. 

"What? That's not fair, there are 5 boys and only 4 girls," Biana complained.

"Scared?" Keefe challenged.

Sophie levitated up to his height and peered into his eyes. "Are you?" she asked in a deadly serious voice.

Keefe swallowed. "A little bit," he whispered.

Sophie leaned back and smirked triumphantly. "I think we can beat them," she said confidently. 

"Yeah," I cheered. "Race you guys outside, whoever touches that crooked tree first wins."

We all stared at each other for a split second, then sprinted outside. 

Channeling my core energy, I pulled ahead, only to stop short when I saw Sophie casually leaning on the tree. 

"'Sup, guys?" Sophie said, smirking.

"How-," Wylie stuttered. 

"I teleported," she replied simply. 

I groaned. "That's cheating!"

Keefe's POV: 

"Well, you only said 'touch the crooked tree first', and that's what I did," Sophie argued, shrugging.

"Ugh, fine," Marella groaned. "Who's questing first?"

"Gentlemen first," I said, grinning at Sophie. 

She rolled her eyes. "That's not how the saying goes."

"No special abilities, but skills are allowed," Dex added.

"Can we transmit?" Fitz asked.

"Fine," Biana grumbled. "We chose this tree as our base."

As the girls closed their eyes, we tip-toed away and split up.

Okay, Tam, Keefe, and Wylie, wait a few minutes, sneak back around and hide behind the trees near their base.

Dex, create a distraction right after, and I'll be the lookout.

I crept back towards their base and hid behind a tree, seeing Tam and Wylie do the same. 

I heard Dex shout, "Over here, Fitz! I think we're at their base! I hope that they don't find us!"

I dragged a hand over my face. Hopeless.

Miraculously, Linh and Marella shrugged and went in the direction of Dex's voice. 

I slunk towards the crooked tree when a voice froze me in my tracks. 

"Keefe, come here," Sophie sighed. I hung my head and walked towards her, trying to discretely motion for Tam and Wylie to stay hidden.

Tam's POV:

Keefe motioned for us to stay hidden, so I wrapped another layer of shadows around Wylie and me.

Keefe and Sophie were now circling each other. 

"Where are the others, Keefe?" Sophie asked.

"As if I'd ever tell you," he replied calmly.

Sophie changed tactics and stepped close to Keefe, leaning in close.

"Are you sure? You wouldn't want me to lose, would you?" she breathed in his ear. I blinked, dumb-founded. Since when was Sophie this confident?

Keefe stilled. Sophie grinned and said, "Please?"

Keefe opened his mouth. "They..."

Keefe, you traitor. I thought. 

Suddenly, I realized that Biana wasn't there. 

"Haha, gotcha," Biana giggled, tapping me and Wylie. She appeared, crouching down beside us. "Don't get up yet, I want to watch this."

"Since when did Sophie become so confident?" Dex asked, coming up to us along with Fitz, Marella, and Linh. 

"You guys get tagged, too?" I asked Fitz. He nodded.

"If Keefe if your last hope, you guys have already lost," Linh said, glancing at Sophie and Keefe.

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