Chapter 5: Danger

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The group sat around the table in Nate's basement in complete shock and silence trying to comprehend what was happening.

"What are we supposed to do?" Eddy asked.

"I don't know but I feel like we have to do something," Tom said.

"What exactly is that something?" Silvia asked.

"What if we tried using our cards?" Amy suggested.

"There's no way we could beat a zombie army!" Eddy yelled hysterically.

"Well, at least not by ourselves," Tom said.

"That's it!" Nate yelled making everyone jump.

"What's it?" Amy asked.

"What if we ask the magic league to help us?" Nate said.

"You think they would?" Amy asked.

"Worst case scenario they say no and we find someone else," Nate said reassuringly.

"They have practice at the school in a few minutes," Tom said, "if we hurry we can catch them."

"Then let's go," Nate said, packing his many decks. Everyone followed his example and piled into Nate's truck, it was a cramped ride but no one exactly cared at the moment.

After an about 20 minute ride, the five friends pulled up to the school. They all grabbed their cards and burst into the doors of the school. They ran up to the second floor and into Mr. Decker's room.

"Guys, we need your help!" Nate yelled throwing the door open without knocking and startling everyone. Not counting Mr. Decker or Nate and his friends, there were 17 people in the study hall room and no one had started a practice match yet.

"What the hell Nate?" Sam yelled (yes, same Sam).

"Yeah, you're acting like it's the end of the world," said another member of the league. "You have no idea," Tom said ominously.

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Decker asked.

"Check out the news," Silvia said turning on the TV. No one could believe their eyes, an army of the dead had laid waist to the entire state of New York in a matter of hours and they weren't stopping there.

"How is that possible?" asked another member.

"I can tell you," called a deep gravelly voice that sent chills through every one in the room.

Nate turned around to see a man with black hair, skin that looked like copper, the same gold clothing that the eternals were wearing, and a leathery cape that blew in the breeze even though they were inside. Looking closer, the man's eyes were yellow and orange with slits for pupils and his teeth were filed sharp but it looked natural. The man walked into the room and two eternals walked in with him as well as a man in a hooded black robe with his face completely obscured from view.

"Who are you?" Nate asked.

"You don't recognize me?" asked the man.

"I think we would remember a man with snake eyes," Tom said.

"Not snake, dragon," the man corrected.

"Whatever, who are you?" Eddy asked.

"Perhaps you will recognize my name, Nicol Bolas," replied the man.

"That's impossible," Silvia yelled, "Nicol Bolas is a mighty dragon that doesn't even exist, he's part of a game!"

"And what has your 'game' been doing this past week?" Bolas asked smugly.

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