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Abi's P.O.V.

When I'd calmed down we set off again and within about ten minutes we were finally back at the tower, it was 9:30 so the others were almost definitely all still awake. We stepped into the elevator and I could feel Tony's eyes burning into the side of my head, waiting for me to say something.

"I'm going to go straight to bed, can you just tell the others I'll talk to them all tomorrow or something?" I asked.

"Of course." Tony said as the elevator doors opened.

"Thanks, goodnight." I said before making my way down to my room.

As soon as I stepped inside, I made a beeline for the bathroom, feeling the sandwich I'd eaten earlier making it's way back up. I threw up into the toilet and then made my way back into my bedroom, pulling off my coat before climbing back into bed. Within seconds off laying my head on the pillow I fell back to sleep.

Tony's P.O.V.

Abi walked down the hall, disappearing into her room and a sigh escaped my lips, knowing I was about to be bombarded with questions. After taking off my coat, I stepped into the living room and, to my relief, only Bruce was sat on the couch.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They went to bed about 20 minutes ago. How is Abi? Steve said they were running a few tests on her." Bruce said.

"She wants to speak to you all about it tomorrow." I said.

"That doesn't sound good." Bruce said.

I looked down at my feet as I stuffed my hands in my pockets, not wanting to look at him.

"Is she alright?" Bruce asked quickly.

"She will be." I said quietly.

"Tony, you can't keep this from me." He demanded.

"I promised Abi I would let her tell you all, and I'm not going back on that. Clint will be back in the morning and she will talk to you all then." I said.

Bruce let out a frustrated sigh and I walked over to the bar, pouring myself a glass of whiskey. I downed it before saying goodnight to Bruce and I made my way down to my room. I climbed into bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't, I was still so worried about Abi. I tossed and turned all night, trying to get comfortable so I could get to sleep but nothing seemed to work so I made my way to the couch in the living room, dragging my cover with me. I turned on the TV and laid on the couch, at around 4am I finally fell asleep.

Clint's P.O.V.

It was around 6am when I pulled into the garage of the tower, I couldn't get to sleep so I left at 1am so that I could be here when she woke up. I grabbed my duffle bag from the passenger seat of the truck before stepping into the elevator and making my way up. When I stepped out, I noticed Tony was asleep on one of the couches so I quietly made my way towards my room. I dropped my bag inside my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants before going next door to Abi's room. Quietly, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, walking over to the bed where Abi was sleeping peacefully. Even as she slept, I knew she had gotten worse since I had left and a wave of guilt washed over me, I felt awful for leaving when she needed me. I climbed into bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me; I'd missed her touch a lot more than I had realised in the few days I had been away. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep, feeling more relaxed now that Abi was in my arms.

"Clint?" Someone gasped.

I opened my eyes to see Abi awake and staring at you, my face broke out in a grin.

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