Chapter 12

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Y/n:Aww no questions...? There's no such thing as a dumb questions!

No one says anything

Y/n:Well allow me to compensate for two questions earlier...

He shoots himself twice

Y/n:So I'll answer I question that you all are probably asking...I only shoot people I don't like...

Jinx:Haven't you only been shooting yourself?

Y/n:Like I said...I only shoot people I don't like...

Y/n reloads his gun before putting it back

Y/n:Okay we're done with that...I'm hungry...

Jinx:Do you want my lunch...?

Y/n:No...I want you...

She blushes as it appears as a deep shade of pink

Cyborg:Why don't you guys sit with us...this table seems fine... way your friend scares me...

Y/n:Ah come on...we're friends now...I won't even shoot you if you ask a question...

Gizmo:You liar!

Y/n:Come on...try me...

Mammoth:Fine...can I...uhh sit here?

Y/n:Yes you can...

Jinx and Mammoth sit down

Gizmo tries to sit down as well

Y/n:I didn't say you could sit here...

Gizmo:What! Why not?!

Y/n:Well you didn't ask to start but you did ask a question just now...that's a bullet...but maybe if you ask...that may change my mind...

Gizmo:Can...I...sit here...please?

Y/n:I don't know,can you!?

Everyone starts to laugh including y/n

He shoots himself again as it silences everyone

Y/n:Yes...go ahead...

Jinx:Well as you know my name,you may as well know my friends...the brute is Mammoth...

Y/n:You remind me of an actual Brute...tell me do you use a gun that shoots spikes?

Mammoth:No...all hand to hand combat from me...

Y/n shoots himself again

Y/n:So you still hold similar traits to actual brutes...

Jinx:And the kindergartner you referred to earlier is Gizmo...

Gizmo:The one and only!

Y/n:You never know...

Jinx:Anyways what brings you two here?

Cyborg:We were just looking for a way to test our abilities...

Jinx:Why don't you guys do the combat course with us...

Y/n:That's sounds like a good way to test it yes...can I use my guns?


Y/n has the gun to his head again

Y/n:What's wrong?

That's a bullet for me...

Gizmo:Don't you have a silencer or something...

Y/n:Do I have a silencer?

That's two...

Jinx:I feel like you're asking questions on purpose....

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