Chapter 9- You did what?!

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Isac's P.O.V
I looked at my phone. It was message from my friend, Chris. (I just made up that name). He asked if I could came to his party today night. Should I? I don't want Beth to get angry. But damn, I love parties. Maybe I'll go but I can't tell to Beth.

Beth's P.O.V
Isac's face looked really weird when he looks at his phone. He wrote somethin and then looked at me.
"Umm.. Lasse needs my help.. I need to go to help him." He said. He sounded uncertain. I just need to trust him..

"Um okay." I said and smiled a bit. He got up to change. That was really weird..?

I got up too and went downstairs. I layed down on a couch and turned TV on. I was watching Pretty little liars when Isac came down.

"When will you come back?" I asked as I walked to him. "Um I'm not sure.. I'll call you when im coming." he said and kissed my cheek. Then he leaved. I wish he isn't doing anything bad..

Isac's P.O.V
I walked to Chris and went inside. There were a hell lot of people. Maybe 100-200?
"Heyy man!!" I heard someone saying. WTF I didn't even know him?

"Hey Isac! Take a drink!" Chris yelled to me. I'm not sure about this..

Beth's P.O.V
It was 2 at night now!! And Isac isn't still home yet. I've called him billion times but he doesnt answer. I'm so fucking mad at him now.. He lied to me. Im sure He's at some party..
God I hate him now..

Just when I was about to lay down on my bed I heard the outdoor open. I quickly went downstairs and Isac was there. He couldnt stand really good.
Oh no.. Please tell me he didn't drink..

"Beth? Come here." he said and I walked to him. He smelled like alcohol a lot. "You've fucking drinked?!" I yelled. "Of course not baby. I was in heaven flying with butterflies.." he said. He's drunk... a lot. "I hate you." I mumbled. "No you don't." he said and kissed me.

I tried to pull him away but he grapped me thighter. "LET ME GO!!!" I screamed but he didn't care. He started kissing my neck down to my boobs.
"Please Isac...Dont do it.." I cried. He didn't stop. I was crying like there's no tomorrow.

He carried me to his room and layed me on his bed. "Please Isac..Don't.." I cried. He crawled ontop of me and took my shirt and panties off. I just kept crying. I couldnt run away because he was too strong. He was kissing me all over me. He was fucking going to rape me...

Fredi's P.O.V
Our trip was cancelled so we were coming home early. Me and Linda just pulled into our house and the frontdoor was open?! "What the heck happened in there?!" I asked. "I don't know.." Linda said.

We got inside and there was nobody. Then I heard screaming.
"NO ISAC!!! Please don't!! STOP!!"

It was Bethany. I quickly runned upstairs to Isac's room. There was Bethany lying on Isac's bed only with bra. She was crying. And the thing what I was scared most of just was happening. Isac were ontop of her and it looked like he was raping her.

I runned there and pushed Isac away.
"What the fuck Isac?!?" I yelled. He smelled like alcohol..
Linda came here and took Bethany away. "You fucking drinked?!" I yelled to Isac. "No.." he said and laughed. "Don't fucking lie to me!! You was fucking trying to rape Bethany!! She was the love of your life.." I yelled.

I went away downstairs where Bethany was talking to police. I guess Linda already called them. "Hello mr. Lundén. I'm sorry but we can't take Isac because he's only 14 but you need to do something. We called to Bethany's mum and told her what happened. She can't go home because her mum is working. But She was lucky you came here and she's fine. He didn't hurt her yet." the police officer told me.
"Okay. Thank you." I said and they leaved.

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