New York. New Life

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Kelis P.O.V

I woke up and watch the time it was 7:00 a.m. . I headed to the bathroom and did my daily routine. I got dress (outfit in media).

Then went to the kitchen to get me a hot pocket for breakfast. I took out the Hot pocket and put it in the microwave. When I heard Darren " where you going?" I turned around " I'm just going to the mall to get a couple thing for the apartment and do a little clothes shopping". " oh ight, make sure you bring me back something to eat and don't be late". I slightly rolled my eyes and said " ok bye " . I walked out the door and went to the elevator. When I got to the lobby I headed towards the main door when I accidentally bumped in to this good looking light skin dude. "I'm so sorry" I said . He looked at me " it's cool, I'm August". "Im Kelis". We starred at each other for like 5 seconds. " pretty name for a pretty girl" August said. " thanks... umm well it was nice meeting you, and I guess I'll see you around". " nice meeting you too" with that being said I walked out and went to the mall. I did a little shopping when my phone rang. I looked down to see that Darren was calling me .

Phone convo :

Me: Hello?

Darren: where you at? I told you not be late. You got me up in here starving.

Me: I'm sorry I totally forgot.

Darren: just hurry up, ight ?

Me: alright I coming now .

I hung up the phone and was on my way back to the apartment.


When I got back I met Darren there sitting on the couch watching TV. I put down the shopping bags next to the counter on the floor " hey I brought pizza, it's on the counter I'm going to bathe and I'll be back ". I walked towards the bedroom when I heard Darren say " whatever" . I sighed and went to the bathroom .


I got dress In a short pants and a tank top. I walked into the kitchen took out a plate and got two slices of pizza then went to sit on the couch. " so what did you do all day" Darren didn't say anything. " why do you do that to me ? I didn't do you anything for you to be mad ". Darren looked at me " I should ask you that . Whenever I tell you to do something you never listen, and you know I hate to be disrespected! ". I sat up straight from slouching on the couch " I never disrespected you what are you talking about?". Darren turned off the TV and looked at me " oh so now you wanna play dumb ? When I tell you don't do something , don't do it.. you got me ?". I sighed " ok" Darren got up from the couch and walked away. For the rest of the night it was silent .


Plz tell me what you think. Should I keep on going?

The Nigga Next Door ( August Alsina )Where stories live. Discover now