T H I R T Y- T W O

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A/N: I'm sorry.

Alana Salvatore

Brandon King had vanished into thin air. There was not a single trace of what had happened to him. It was liked he disappeared into the face of the earth. Words and rumors had started to go around the mafia that their under Don was a snitch betraying his only best friend.

While I refused to believe all those accusations and assumed the worst that he might have been killed somewhere, Victoria was deadpanned that her friend had indeed betrayed their family. Because the theory of Brandon King getting killed was laughable, the man was too intelligent and skilled to get killed.

" Oh please. Don't be naive, Lana. The man must be somewhere in Russia right now reuniting with his old friend. " Victoria scoffed rolling her eyes clearly annoyed with me.

" Why can't you believe that he could have been hurt or worse killed somewhere out there. " I said concerned for the friend I had only known for a short amount of time.

Brandon and I had only known each other for a short amount of time but despite all of his annoying and flirtatious traits, I highly respected and admired the guy who stood his ground and chose to stay by the side of those who were right. We had built a friendship through the time of my bad state when my dying husband lied motionless on a hospital bed.

He had been nothing but helpful and supportive to me always telling me that he would be there when helps were needed from him.

" Don't worry for the death of the man who is a killing machine, worry for those who chose to trust him. " Victoria huffed.

Her mood toward Brandon had become sour since the moment it was announced that he was missing. Victoria seemed to take this news the worst compared to all us, she lashed out in anger and had been cursing the day she met him ever since.

" Victoria the most powerful man in the family had just awoken from his death bed days ago. If Seth can be hurt so can Brandon. " I said shaking my head.

" Can you at least have some faith in him? " I asked picking up the glass of juice.

" Brandon King is nothing but a manipulative liar betraying the family who helped raised him. Can't you see it? " she said through gritted teeth before storming off.

I sighed in defeat as I watched her stormed her feet away in pure sorrow and rage. It was only four in the am, I had woken up to deal with my morning sickness when I found Victoria sulking on the kitchen stool hugging her knees to her chest, she was clearly worried for his well-being but chose to bury it all with anger instead.

I rosed myself up from the stool and walked out of the kitchen heading toward our bedroom upstairs. It was so early that everyone was still deep asleep the morning was cold the cool wind came into the estate through the giants opened windows sending shivers down my spine.

Security teams stood tall in their guard at each every doors and windows ready for the worst to happen at any seconds. I watched as some of them bowed their head when I walked pass gliding my way through the long hall way.

" You are out of bed. " the most annoying voice to ever existed hit both of my ears as I approached my bedroom door causing me to mentally groaned.

" No shit Sherlock. " I rolled my eyes as I kept walking without giving her a glance.

" Are you and Seth fighting? " she asked.

Wow. The nerves of this girl was remarkable. There was even a hint of delights in her tone as she asked away her question. Seth was so wrong when he told me they were nothing but a fling because this girl seemed to get another idea of their short time relationship. Gosh, she even went as far as hoping for a fight between us.

" Yes. We were in a huge fight when he made love to me all night last night. Anymore question? " I turned my head toward her giving her my biggest grin.

" Slut. " Kaitlyn said in disgust as she glared into my eyes.

" Yes. I am indeed a slut for my sexy husband. " I shrugged smiling sweetly at her.

" You won't believe what we did behind closed door. Your Don is indeed a beast on the bed. God I love it when he ran his tongue down my body licking and sucking like I was some sort of sweets and when his dick enter my-

" Shut up. Just shut up. " she growled before storming of the opposite direction.

I shook my head laughing at my victory before I entered the giant door into our bedroom. Seth was leaning against the headboard haft naked with one arm behind the back of his head.

I gave him a small before walking to our king size bed jumping on to his laps circling my arms loosely around his neck. He chuckled at the childish act of mine before instinctively wrapping an arm around my waist.

" I could feel you getting out of bed. " he said.

" I couldn't sleep. " I sighed.

" What you said to her is inappropriate, mi amor. " he laughed making his chest vibrating in rhythms.

" Just stating truth. " I shrugged earning another angelic laughter.

" Anything about Brandon? " I asked resting my head against his shoulder.

The playful tension swept away from the air when the painful question was asked replacing by a gloomy atmosphere causing me to cringe slightly as my husband exhaled a sharp breath.

" I don't want to worry about anything right now. I promise you that I have everything under control. " he explained placing an innocent kiss on my temple.

I tilted my head sideways and look up to him. One glance at his face I knew immediately that he was here with me physically but his mind was somewhere else right at this moment. He stared right ahead of us seeming to be in a deep thought.

" I want to know. We have grown friendship between us over the month. And, I'm worried for Victoria and you. Are you okay, Seth? " I asked caressing his jawline as he stared into spaces.

" I'm a mafia king, mi amor. Losing people is what I have to deal with since I was a kid. There's nothing new I have grown quite used to it now. So, I'm okay. You don't have to worry. " he said taking a deep breath.

" And, Victoria she will get over it eventually. " he said finally turning his gaze to me.

" I have a rights to know. You want us to make this marriage work. And, keeping secrets from each other won't do us no good. " I sighed heavily.

" His plane must be landing in Russia right now as we talk. " Seth said in a low voice.

And, my heart dropped down south as Seth tightened his grip on me. We were in deep dangers. Having Brandon with them destroying us would be as easy as peeling a banana.

He was the under don after all the guy knew how things worked in our family and even each and every codes into our places. He knew enough to destroy all of us.

" We will be fine. " Seth whispered kissing my head as I stared at him still not believing my ears.


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